A Song of Ice & Fire by George R.R. Martin: Book Discussion Thread


May 17, 2012
I have doubts Jaime could have killed Robert.

Robert was a beast in his prime. He was basically Mike Tyson, meaning he was just as strong as The Mountain and the Hound but, fast enough to keep up with anyone. Remember.....Jaime fought in no real wars until TWOTFK. He's called top 5 dead or alive without actually proving it in real battle. Robert was knee deep in wars by his 23rd birthday. If they're both wearing armor and mail, Jaime would have to be near-perfect and find the weak spot in Robert's armor. Meanwhile all Robert would need is one opening and his hammer would cave in Jaime's sternum, armor and all.

Jamie held his own against the Smiling Knight at 15 before Dayne killed him.

"At the age of fifteen, Jaime participated in the campaign against the Kingswood Brotherhood, during which he saved Lord Crakehall from Big Belly Ben and crossed swords with the psychotic Smiling Knight. He was knighted on the battlefield by SerArthur Dayne.[10]"


pimp of the year
Oct 9, 2012
I think people underestimate Jaime for the fact that he ain't really shown kicking as much ass as his reputation warrants. I think with two hands he could give Barristan a run for his money.

Barry the Bold though would be my choice for top SWORDSman in the game. Off his POV I assume he has the most fight clarity of anyone in the series. Confident, yet not arrogant.


Mar 18, 2013
I think people underestimate Jaime for the fact that he ain't really shown kicking as much ass as his reputation warrants. I think with two hands he could give Barristan a run for his money.

Barry the Bold though would be my choice for top SWORDSman in the game. Off his POV I assume he has the most fight clarity of anyone in the series. Confident, yet not arrogant.

The only thing that stops me from crowning barristan as the best in the book's time period is his age. But I could be very wrong.

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
And remember, Ned Stark isn't an excellence swordsman at all, and he was able to go five minutes with Jaime. An old Ned Stark.
You're in the book thread. That didn't happen, at all.

Also, Jamie, at 14/15 fought to a draw with the Smiling Knight, who is described as the Hound of his day, in the sense that he was such a renown fighter everyone wanted the credit of being him and it was only Dayne (the GOAT) who could put him down. Jamie also won melees when he was still only a squire :mindblown: You gotta understand that Jamie is basically the Kobe of Westeros when it comes to the fight game.

Jamie never has any doubt in his mind that he could have bodied Robert. None of the Kingsguard really saw Robert like that. Dude was an all-star but we're talking Hall of Famers.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
You're in the book thread. That didn't happen, at all.

Also, Jamie, at 14/15 fought to a draw with the Smiling Knight, who is described as the Hound of his day, in the sense that he was such a renown fighter everyone wanted the credit of being him and it was only Dayne (the GOAT) who could put him down. Jamie also won melees when he was still only a squire :mindblown: You gotta understand that Jamie is basically the Kobe of Westeros when it comes to the fight game.

Jamie never has any doubt in his mind that he could have bodied Robert. None of the Kingsguard really saw Robert like that. Dude was an all-star but we're talking Hall of Famers.

Who did Jaime kill though? How battle tested is Jaime really? That's all I'm asking.

This is the same guy who ran face first into Robb's army and got himself yoked up. And shoulda been killed in real life. Sounds like a real smart guy in war time, compared to Prime Robert who was caught like a mouse at the Battle of the Bells but, outsmarted the entire Targ army and won. Jaime to me is like a pro player whose the GOAT in a WOAT era. He never proved himself. I can tell you what all the top fighters did, all you can tell me is what Jaime might have done. Even Jaime looks at the White Book and sees he's the weakest Kingsguard. He never did shyt breh :russ: Even Brienne gives him props but, says his legend was overstated. I'm just not buying he kills a Prime Robert, especially when one fights with a blunted weapon that's deadly against full plated armor and the other would just have a sword. I'm not buying it. Jaime was born in 266 AC. The Rebellion happened in 282-283 AC, which made him 16-17 years old. In other words, OLDER than Robb Stark was when he was out there winning battles, giving Tywin of all people that work. Robert and Ned were born in 262-263 AC. They're only 3-4 years older than Jaime. Which makes it sound even worse because y'all try to make it sound like Jaime's not in their era when he was. He had so much time to make a real name for himself and yet nothing.

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
Who did Jaime kill though? How battle tested is Jaime really? That's all I'm asking.

This is the same guy who ran face first into Robb's army and got himself yoked up. And shoulda been killed in real life. Sounds like a real smart guy in war time, against Prime Robert who was caught like a mouse at the Battle of the Bells but, still pulled out a win. Jaime to me is like a pro player whose the GOAT in a WOAT era. He never proved himself. I can tell you what all the top fighters did, all you can tell me is what Jaime might have done. Even Jaime looks at the White Book and sees he's the weakest Kingsguard. He never did shyt breh :russ: Even Brienne gives him props but, says his legend was overstated. I'm just not buying he kills a Prime Robert, especially when one fights with a blunted weapon that's deadly against full plated armor and the other would just have a sword. I'm not buying it. Jaime was born in 266 AC. The Rebellion happened in 282-283 AC, which made him 16-17 years old. In other words, OLDER than Robb Stark was when he was out there winning battles, giving Tywin of all people that work. Robert and Ned were born in 262-263 AC. They're only 3-4 years older than Jaime. Which makes it sound even worse because y'all try to make it sound like Jaime's not in their era when he was. He had so much time to make a real name for himself and yet nothing.
You're absolutely muddling being a fighter versus being a general, and thus missing the point of the discussion entirely :dwillhuh: This is about who the best fighters are. The hell are you talking about Robb and Tywin military strategies for :dwillhuh:

At the Whispering Wood, you do remember that when Jamie realized the battle was lost, he decided to after Robb personally and bodied three members of Robb's personal guard (the best swordsmen the North have to offer, essentially his Kingsguard) before he's stopped?

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
Yes, Jamie is the GOAT of a WOAT era...but that's the fukking point. He's a dude of the caliber of the greatest Kingsguard ever (because, y'know, he was part of it and rated by those dudes at 16 because of what he did to earn his knighthood and his spot in the KG) surrounded by people who can't hold a candle to him. Majority of Jamie's arrogance comes from the fact that he's the last real nikka alive and looks down on everyone because he AND they know they're not on his level.

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
Also @Malik your entire argument for Robert is based on....what exactly :skip: You started off using the Ned/Jamie fight from the show that never happened to prove that Jamie was overrated. And the only noteworthy dude he went dolo with is Rhaegar, who again was pretty good, and injured Robert, but Robert got the W. Most that's said about Robert is again, he was a fearsome dude and strong as shyt, and pretty good in the melee (no mention of him winning one).

There's just...no evidence as to believing that Robert could beat Jamie. Everything says otherwise :manny:


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
You're absolutely muddling being a fighter versus being a general, and thus missing the point of the discussion entirely :dwillhuh: This is about who the best fighters are. The hell are you talking about Robb and Tywin military strategies for :dwillhuh:

At the Whispering Wood, you do remember that when Jamie realized the battle was lost, he decided to after Robb personally and bodied three members of Robb's personal guard (the best swordsmen the North have to offer, essentially his Kingsguard) before he's stopped?

I'm not muddling anything.

You tried to use the fact that Jaime was a teenager during Robert's Rebellion as a reason why he wasn't doing shyt. Robb Stark was a teenager but, he was winning battles, besting people twice, thrice his age. Robb being a general and Jaime being a fighter wasn't the point. The point was Robb was a kid/teenager just like Jaime but, he put in way more work. For Jaime being the GOAT, he spent most his life on the bench :mjcry:

I bought up the Whispering Wood because I was making note of Jaime's decision making during battle. Again....you missed the point. The only battle Jaime was in, without the assistance of Tywin, King Robert or Ned Stark and what did Jaime do :mjlol: He charged a whole army by himself, got yoked up, thrown in a cell, starved for a year and lost his swordhand. I'll put that in plain english. He's dumb. For a "skilled" fighter, he's dumb. IF JAIME DID THAT DURING THE REBELLION, HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN KILLED :stopitslime: And that would be the end of his story :stopitslime: Im not comparing Prime Jaime vs. Prime Robert in a vacuum. I'm imaging Prime Jaime meeting Prime Robert on a battle field during the war. Jaime's not battle tested like Robert. I have nothing to go off on dude. No history. No results. No nothing. Just words....potential....maybes.....what couldve been.....and the fact that the one real battle he went out on, he came back with one hand. With Robert, he fought in countless battles, killed countless people, one after another after another, for YEARS. I'd put my money on Robert. I'll put my money on Robert having to hit Jaime once to dent his chest in, whereas Jaime needs several to cut through full armor.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
Also @Malik your entire argument for Robert is based on....what exactly :skip: You started off using the Ned/Jamie fight from the show that never happened to prove that Jamie was overrated. And the only noteworthy dude he went dolo with is Rhaegar, who again was pretty good, and injured Robert, but Robert got the W. Most that's said about Robert is again, he was a fearsome dude and strong as shyt, and pretty good in the melee (no mention of him winning one).

There's just...no evidence as to believing that Robert could beat Jamie. Everything says otherwise :manny:

Small mix up. I got confused with the show and the books.

And the Rhaegar/Robert thing. Okay. Jaime killed no one important though. I still win. The Smiling Knight doesn't count. You'd impressed me if you said Jaime killed the Smiling Knight. He didn't. Arthur did :manny: In the same fashion, Ned was good enough to spar with Arthur Dayne for five minutes and not die. Long enough to hold off the best swordsman of all time for Howland to work his swamp voodoo magic. Does it mean anything? No. Arthur would've merked Ned if Howland wasn't there and the Smiling Knight would've murked Jaime if Dayne wasn't there.


May 17, 2012
I'm not muddling anything.

You tried to use the fact that Jaime was a teenager during Robert's Rebellion as a reason why he wasn't doing shyt. Robb Stark was a teenager but, he was winning battles, besting people twice, thrice his age. Robb being a general and Jaime being a fighter wasn't the point. The point was Robb was a kid/teenager just like Jaime but, he put in way more work. For Jaime being the GOAT, he spent most his life on the bench :mjcry:

I bought up the Whispering Wood because I was making note of Jaime's decision making during battle. Again....you missed the point. The only battle Jaime was in, without the assistance of Tywin, King Robert or Ned Stark and what did Jaime do :mjlol: He charged a whole army by himself, got yoked up, thrown in a cell, starved for a year and lost his swordhand. I'll put that in plain english. He's dumb. For a "skilled" fighter, he's dumb. IF JAIME DID THAT DURING THE REBELLION, HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN KILLED :stopitslime: And that would be the end of his story :stopitslime: Im not comparing Prime Jaime vs. Prime Robert in a vacuum. I'm imaging Prime Jaime meeting Prime Robert on a battle field during the war. Jaime's not battle tested like Robert. I have nothing to go off on dude. No history. No results. No nothing. Just words....potential....maybes.....what couldve been.....and the fact that the one real battle he went out on, he came back with one hand. With Robert, he fought in countless battles, killed countless people, one after another after another, for YEARS. I'd put my money on Robert. I'll put my money on Robert having to hit Jaime once to dent his chest in, whereas Jaime needs several to cut through full armor.

How you going to big up Robb and diss Jamie?:dwillhuh:
Who has Robb faced?:patrice:
Jamie killed three of Robb's Kingsguard single-handedly. :merchant:
Dayne was so impressed with him he knighted him on the battlefield at 15.:whew:

“He mislaid his sword in Eddard Karstark’s neck, after he took Torrhen’s hand off and split Daryn Hornwood’s skull open,” Robb said. “All the time he was shouting for me. If they hadn’t tried to stop him--” Robb was shook.:mjlol:

"Brienne remembered her fight with Jaime Lannister in the woods. It had been all that she could do to keep his blade at bay. He was weak from his imprisonment, and chained at the wrists. No knight in the Seven Kingdoms could have stood against him at his full strength, with no chains to hamper him. Jaime had done many wicked things, but the man could fight! His maiming had been monstrously cruel. It was one thing to slay a lion, another to hack his paw off and leave him broken and bewildered."

"Black as maester’s ink he was, but fast and strong, the best natural swordsman Selmy had seen since Jaime Lannister.'