Love checking out theories
Westeros.Org Compendium of Theories
--First post links to discussions about various popular theories.
Reddit ASOIAF top links
--The most 'upvoted' threads from that reddit forum. Not all theories, but if you search the first few pages you will find some very interesting discussions
For anyone new to ASOIAF theories lemme drop some quick info:
Theories generally accepted to be true based on textual evidence, narrative context, or other evidence such as interviews:
--Parentage of Jon Snow
--The Hound is alive and is the gravedigger that Brienne meets on the Quiet Isle
--Jaquen Hagar is the "Alchemist" from the AFFC prologue, and assumes the body of Pate in the epilogue
--Alleras the Sphinx in the Citadel is Sarella Sand
--Bloodraven from Dunk & Egg is the Three Eyed Crow (100% confirmed)
--The Mountain is reanimated by Qyburn as Ser Robert Strong (confirmed by Season 5 of GOT)
--Euron Greyjoy hired a Faceless Man to kill Balon Greyjoy (possibly paid with his dragon egg)
Some popular theories that aren't proven but have tons of discussion:
--Who is Coldhands (he is not Benjen Stark)
--Where is Benjen Stark
--Is Aegon aka Young Griff actually a Blackfyre descendent? (need to read Dunk&Egg for more Blackfyre context)
--What does Jaquen Hagar/The Facless Men want in with the key they stole from Pate to the Citadel?
--Great Northern Conspiracy
--Southron Ambitions
--Was Lyanna Stark the Knight of the Laughing Tree?
--What actually happened at the Tower of Joy?
--What happened to Ashara Dayne?
--Does the tale of the Knight's King have anything to do with current or future book events?
--Who poisoned the locusts? Who is the harpy?