You guys may be right about the fight at the Inn with her being outnumbered, but that is still relevant to the conversation. How can you be the greatest if you can't take out multiple attackers?
We gotta be clear if we are talking about Westeros only or if Essos counts also
If Essos counts, Brienne aint even sniffing the top 10
If its only Westeros, she aint sniffing the top 3.
Brienne over Areo Hotah?
Brienne over Mance Rayder?
Brienne over the Blackfish?
We gotta be clear if we are talking about Westeros only or if Essos counts also
If Essos counts, Brienne aint even sniffing the top 10
If its only Westeros, she aint sniffing the top 3.
Brienne over Areo Hotah?

Brienne over Mance Rayder?

Brienne over the Blackfish?