I honestly think they can get around Arianne's character for now by just pushing her story through the Sand Snakes. I have no godly idea how they'll get around Aegon/Jon Connington though.
I agree 100% that every character can fairly easily be "written off" EXCEPT for Aegon
The 'Aegon Problem' as I'm now going start calling it is actually a Varys problem
Aegon himself could wind up being nothing more than the next person on the Iron Throne, only to square off and lose to Dany when she returns to Westeros. This plot itself can be written around no problem, but not Varys' role
Varys is clearly a major character in both the shows and the books. The books have established that Aegon is Varys' endgame. So by taking Aegon away, you have lost Varys' endgame.
In the books, this could be written around because Varys could still be considered a Dany support in the books up to that point in time. But in the show, he has sent off a notice to have her assassinated and thus a plot hole has been created if he turns out to be a Dany supporter on the show (in the books, he warned Jorah to save her from the poisoner, but he didn't do that in the show).
This particular plothole....the Aegon is going to be a source of annoyance that will hurt GOT in the long run unless they do something creative to get around it. It bothers me because GOT is my favorite show and I can usually play