I love this book series!! And I still don't know why since I've never liked fantasy at all. I just started reading it in July and finished the last book in August

now I'm feeling like all the other fans eagerly waiting for the Winds of Winter.
I was already told R+L=J before I even started reading the books which annoyed me since I wasn't given the chance to figure it out and now it seems so obvious. i doubt if Jon will become King nor am I fully convinced he's the TPTWP or Azor Ahai (if they're not the same person) but I know he'll have a significant role in the fight against the others if George doesn't decide to let him die

. He's my favorite character. I think he'll warg into Ghost while his body heals and that'll allow him to understand and embrace the power that he has.
I hope Cersei is killed by Jamie and Dany finally makes it to Westeros but she'll need to deal with Victarion first and that'll be interesting to read.
Oh and I'm still not sure what to think about Aegon. I know some think he's a blackfyre but who knows? Some people also think Tyrion is a secret Targaryen and jaqen h'ghar is Syrio so anything is possible.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading the thread