I'm feeling Jon and Val more so.
Either way, I don't think Jon will be getting anymore p*ssy.

I'm feeling Jon and Val more so.
I was wondering if we would get that scene........man.
I also could see Dany making a heel turn. In fact, she already shows some of that Targ rage when she gets pissed off and get to nailing people to crosses and shyt. I could only imagine her face when she steps on the shores of Westeros seeing Aegon's standard already flying above the Red Keep. That's prolly what Bran saw in the show. Aegon is gonna blitzkrieg Westeros and Dany is going to start the dance of dragons again. Meanwhile, the Others are gonna creep down and wipe out the Boltons and the Freys, forcing Jon, Dany and Aegon to work in tandem to kill them. I wanna speculate who ends up getting it all....but honestly everyone can be argued for or against....
:sleep:I was wondering if we would get that scene........man.
I also could see Dany making a heel turn.
i kinda wish he never said that. so now we already know the next king after tommen is a dead man walking. thanks for the spoiler grrm
The one in the best position to snag the throne imo is the high septon. He doesn't seem like one to take the throne, but we haven't seen enough of him to really say what his intentions are. I could see Aegon taking the throne and there's the long shot that Myrcella will somehow get put to use before she inevitably dies. I'm hoping Cersei's death is a POV with a faceless man taking her out (wish it would be Arya too in a perfect world).
That would almost be too perfect, i really want to see arya make her return to the seven kingdoms and start knocking names off her list.
Very short list and her bodying Cersei or Meryn Trant will be the only ones to provide a good amount of catharsis IMO. Dunsen is on the list for taking Gendry's custom helm and he's also just a mook
Then there's Illyn Payne who was ordered by Joffrey to give Ned Stark the headchop. Nothing personal, and while dude is creepy and a Lannister goon, him getting killed by Arya sounds boring.
Trant and Cersei seriously need to die though. I'd be happy if GRRM makes Arya take at least one of the two out. If it's Dunsen and Payne tho.....![]()
i would just like to see her put to use all that she's learned while at the house of black and white to exact her revenge on all the names, i agree cersei and trant would be the more satisfying kills but for me its more about how she kills them than who she kills.
not a chance breh. Too much Dany character development has been laid for that. If she was going to die she has had ample opportunity to be waxed.I still think in epic Martin fashion as soon as daenerys touches ground in westerns, she is going to die from a random arrow to the neck, and the dragons are going to go ape shyt crazy and start destroying
Honestly, I want Arya to have a bigger role than just knocking off some names that are pretty much insignificant at the moment. Hope GRRM has something important for her to do. And for some reason I'm obsessed with Sansa's fate. I think she can be a real player when all this shyt settles.