It could have been in the script for this season and then scrapped. It could have been shot and they are saving it for next season.
I think they bring her a long but next season. If she shows up next week it will be a quick shot in the last seconds of the episode
I would've argued with you a couple weeks ago when I was sure that the battle at the wall would end on Stannis, but since they held out on that until next week, my mind is
on how they are going to fit everything in and you might be right about that quick shot before the fade to black. That final episode is gonna be crammed tight.
but to be honest all that had me
Stannis is an acquired taste. He had me cracking up in the books and he had some of my favorite lines, which he said while grinding his teeth and giving that sour face.
"A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward."
“It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert’s heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son.” He ran three fingers lightly down the table, over the layers of smooth hard varnish, dark with age. “I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done, after the Trident."