Need him for Mance Rayder
-Donal Noye (the NW smith who knew all the Baratheon brothers and forget Robert's warhammer) compared Renly to bronze: pretty and shiny, but pretty much useless."He knew how to dress and he knew how to smile and he knew how to bathe, and somehow he got the notion that this made him fit to be king."
-Even his knights (Rainbow Guard ), the only ones who were truly his were Loras and Brienne. The rest, as he said so himself "wanted things of him, castles or honors or riches".The bold little boy with wild black hair and laughing eyes was a man grown now, one-and-twenty, and still he played his games. Look at me, I’m a king, Cressen thought sadly. Oh, Renly, Renly, dear sweet child, do you know what you are doing? And would you care if you did? Is there anyone who cares for him but me?
Randyll Tarly followed Mace Tyrell, his liege lord, not Renly. To be honest I don't think he suffered either of them. There are a few hints that Tarly is a Targaryen supporter and is just bidding his time.I don't buy that. Renly ain't no weak leader if he rallied so many important people to his cause. Even Randyll Tarly a Four Star Badass joined Renly's cause. Why would a guy like that follow someone considered to be weak?
I think Renly could have been a decent king, but would largely be a product of those he surrounded himself with. With a Hand like Randyll Tarly for instance, he could get some shyt done and Tarly would also be the perfect dude to have on your side against a major threat (Dany, "Aegon," whoever).
More likely, the Tyrells would control his kingship, resulting in weak rule and poor decisions.
Renly wasn't a friend to the King in the North.
The Greatjon says all there is to be said about Renly:
Game of Thrones - The King in the North - YouTube
Well if the Lannisters get taken out by the joined forces then I don't see how the RW could happen. Tywin was the mastermind behind that whole shyt.If that alliance woulda went down we woulda been looking at the 2 kingdoms instead of the 7.
North and South. Not Stannis, not the Lannisters not anyone woulda stood a chance...but then again...RW prolly still woulda happened
If that alliance woulda went down we woulda been looking at the 2 kingdoms instead of the 7.
North and South. Not Stannis, not the Lannisters not anyone woulda stood a chance...but then again...RW prolly still woulda happened
Yeah, but Renly wanted Robb to bow as a vassal, not have him as ally.