I also think that social media has made a lot of people long for the lifestyle portrayed, making them feel depressed and unsatisfied
change the work schedule, Covid has proven that a good number of workers can get things done in less than 8-12hours , 4-5 days a week in a less stressful/more relaxed environment.Plus,people still struggling making $20/hr with rent inflation, insurances, and food costs…add on car payments, loans, 401k …. And this is if you’re single and DONT have chirrens
I also think that social media has made a lot of people long for the lifestyle portrayed, making them feel depressed and unsatisfied
Nobody gives a shyt about men until they stop making money.
Or even maternity/ paternity leave. I don’t think it’s mandated to be paid while on leave in the US ( I think, not sure) and employees can get 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave. Compare that to many European countries where women can get a year of PAID maternity leave and men get a few weeks PAID paternity leave. So parents are pretty much forced to go back to work to live and also leave their kids with strangers at a day care at only 3 months old (if they take the full 12 weeks) if they’re not blessed to have someone close by who they trust to take care of the child.This…
There is absolutely no reason in hell work should be eight hours five days a week. It’s simply so outdated thinking.
But no, you gotta get charged $20 for ibuprofen, and $15 dollars for a piece of gauze and meet your deductible first silly ass countryThats the problem. Men should be waiting on another men to come save him. Society has in essence castrated men into thinking working is their salvation.
It’s a human rights issue. Why should someone being born have to work to live. At least for the last 100 years you had some guarantees in place for a man who worked and kept his head down.
If health care was free I wouldn’t work.