You dont know anything about the trades. So of course you don't see why "Learn a trade" is just a meme. You are just parroting some youtube babble. Most trade shortages are 20 years old. The most lucrative postions in plumbing and HVAC have been already taken. The real money is running your own company and having either government contracts or strong connections with builders and free lance general contractors. Ive worked along side trades in construction for a decade, and my father in law is an electrical/mechanical engineer. I have seen the effects of the shortages in electricians and an industry flooded with them at different times. Your side hustle story doesn't really help your argument. Go talk to actual trades workers rather than listen to Mike Rowe or Dave Ramsey. They will tell you different and far more nuanced story.
Real Talk, My buddy use to parrot the same, "Learn a Trade" jazz, as he has kids in high school. Then he started a new career as a Physical Therapist. The physical wear and tear, and injuries he sees on a regular basis from the trades changed his tune.
Yes, the world is competive and you will have to work hard to get ahead, but the world has changed drastically and the number of career paths available are significantly smaller than 30 years ago. The American people are now poorer for it. Putting your head down and grinding away, will be bad advice when you finally look up and the US looks like Brazil or the Dominican Republic.