
May 1, 2012
I was stupid,I valued my safety,but didn't value it enough to not stick dikk in women I couldn't fully trust wouldn't rob or set me up.
Damn this makes sense. I'm sure you were thinking more so of "this bytch know I ain't the one to rob or set up" and not trying to intimidate her into sex. I can see what you were thinking. I smashed a few escorts before so I may have done the same tbh.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Yes- whether implied or not, the gun - that's not right. Reading through this from the original thread, I had a feeling this was going to come back to haunt him. I questioned him about it on the thread from that day because I was disturbed by the statement- and I asked him what he meant by the statement and he provided an explanation. I let it go because I couldn't relate to it from a male perspective and the circumstances involved.

I'm sorry @Benefited but that doesn't sit right with me. I'm not coming at you with malice bc I thought you had some good points on other issues in here and we have agreed/disagreed on other discussions prior but in my heart of hearts, I can't back you up on that whole "pistol" on the dresser. Because from my perspective, if it was me in that situation; I would definitely feel some type of way about engaging in a sexual situation if I see a gun in full view- it's menacing, and the implied threat of forcing consent is there and sends the wrong message. I was also brought up around enough men to know that you're not supposed to brandish a weapon or show off, unless you have intent to use it or in self defense. I really cant rationalize a gun for a sex encounter purposes without it being intimidating - this may not be your character now and I can't speak for your personal mindset at the time but that's how I feel.
The Male perspective says that's mothafukkin rape


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

Since when is that account a confirmed woman??
When are you going to start acting like a man, instead of a confirmed bytch.

Do you see me on multiple threads repeatedly asking for pics of male posters like you do?? when what you really want is to dm them for dyck pics. I see you stopped begging them for pics when you got called out for it and I posted up a thread count of your posts on how many times you asked other male posters for pics too tho :coffee:damn weirdo


Apr 6, 2017
When are you going to start acting like a man, instead of a confirmed bytch.

Do you see me on multiple threads repeatedly asking for pics of male posters like you do?? when what you really want is to dm them for dyck pics. I see you stopped begging them for pics when you got called out for it and I posted up a thread count of your posts on how many times you asked other male posters for pics too tho :coffee:damn weirdo

lol do you ever log off?? I aint been on here in like a week and yet here you are like clockwork, still claiming to be a black single mother with multiple children and a full time lawyer job but still somehow got time to post more than anybody.
and lol@your wild theories, anything to still keep dodging posting proof of your identity:mjlol:

You def a man.


Mar 11, 2015
Yes- whether implied or not, the gun - that's not right. Reading through this from the original thread, I had a feeling this was going to come back to haunt him. I questioned him about it on the thread from that day because I was disturbed by the statement- and I asked him what he meant by the statement and he provided an explanation. I let it go because I couldn't relate to it from a male perspective and the circumstances involved.

I'm sorry @Benefited but that doesn't sit right with me. I thought you had some good points on other issues in here and we have agreed/disagreed on other discussions prior but in my heart of hearts, I can't back you up on that whole "pistol" on the dresser. Because from my perspective, if it was me in that situation; I would definitely feel some type of way about engaging in a sexual situation if I see a gun in full view- it's menacing, and the implied threat of forcing consent is there and sends the wrong message. I was also brought up around enough men to know that you're not supposed to brandish a weapon or show off, unless you have intent to use it or in self defense. I really cant rationalize a gun for a sex encounter purposes without it being intimidating - this may not be your character now and I can't speak for your personal mindset at the time but that's how I feel.

This is fair except for where you say its rape. You can't determine what is menacing on another womans behalf,and my intent wasn't to intimidate them into sex. Most of the women I dealt with it wasn't their first time seeing a gun I'm sure. They understand what nikkas carried guns for and it is quite normal. BUT i shouldn't have assumed that on their behalf either in hindsight. There are plenty of reasons to have a gun at a sex encounter and have it easily accessible if you don't trust the woman,and especialy if you are away from your own house. Guys take guns to the homes of strange women they are fukking,I'm pretty sure this is normal as far as I know. I gave family guns to take when they would tell me they were going to fukk some new chick at her spot,and dudes would ask me if I had it on me when I was going:snoop:.This was my experience throughout my youth,in hoods accross america.

Its not smart in hindsight knowing what I know now,you should just pass on the p*ssy if you don't feel 100% safe and secure.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
lol do you ever log off?? I aint been on here in like a week and yet here you are like clockwork, still claiming to be a black single mother with multiple children and a full time lawyer job but still somehow got time to post more than anybody.
and lol@your wild theories, anything to still keep dodging posting proof of your identity:mjlol:

You def a man.
just shut the fuk up.. you call out every damn body on here for being someone they're not but take no accountability for what YOU do. stop the act... and how many times do dudes in here claim that about any female on here, fuk the chatter. The fact is that you claim to be something you're not, therefore, you assume everyone else is. u are so damn annoying with the same repeat attempts with no credibility about me, you're in no position to say shyt. Fuk ur thoughts.

Do you see me asking for pics, do you see me soliciting anyone on this forum for anything?? you half a homo. It is proven that you are a faggit.. say less. What male poster goes around asking other men on discussion boards for pics???. Just stop. You don't even have enough sense to at the least, masks your attempts by posting threads asking for pics in The Salon, or Women of the coli - you straight up make threads asking posters for pics at fukkin 2am in the damn morning, and at all other times of the day. at least when I post, most of the time, i have something to say. you have no room for further discussion. stop quoting me.
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Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
The gun is implied.

Why meet and fukk a female if you concerned about getting set up in the first place?

Then, not being about that life, shows the gun in plain site, next to the bed then asks for sex.

Thats like me having a gun in my waist band, walking into an convenience store and asking to hold a stack.
