What if I told you the Jews were black too
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What if I told you the Jews were black too
What if I told you the Jews were black too
I'm interested in places like Loropéni ruins in Burkina Fasso.
I have trouble reading OP can you tell me what this pictures says?
I tried to tell someone that there was civilization in West Africa that wasn't descended from Egypt and the conversation became retarded because people didn't understand what I was arguing.
I'd have explained my argument but they wanted to be a$$holes, so fukk them.
Akan/Igbo said:You argument wasn't clear.
It was clear to ME. You decided to add your two cents, unasked, and wondered why you didn't understand, and tried to insult me.
The dude and I had been discussing that in an entirely different thread and it spilled over into that one.
West Africans and East Africans have a SHARED ancestry that predates Egyptian civilization by 70,000 years.
Akan/Igbo said:I highlighted what your problem was in that thread.
You argument wasn't clear. Many people tried to explain to you that the people of West Africa migrated there from Egypt/Nubia thousands of years ago. Those folks didn't keep written records, but their oral traditions and now even DNA is pointing to that migration from that area. Common sense should tell you that the migration more than likely occurred, because there are ethnic groups in West Africa with completely different languages and customs. Moreover, the Bantu people are clearly from Egypt and it is strongly believed that the Dogon of Mali and Senegal are as well. Here is little more on the Dogon.
Not trying to be a dikk, but I'd tread lightly when posting content in regards to the whole "Ancient Astronaut" theories in regards to Ancient Egypt/African cultures.
Yes, because any group of people that can describe planets and stars in space, including black holes, even though those things are not visible to the naked eye; clearly don't know what the Hell they are talking about. They had that knowledge long before this current period of powerful telescopes and space ships.
You should go and read up on the Dogon.