Always On Demon time
My wife asked me the difference between Malakai Black and Minoru Suzuki
I told her one of them worships Satan, and the other one might actually be Satan
It's wild that they just announced the Undertaker return, because MiSu is actually the character they market Taker as these days - an older In ring legend and legit tough guy. Suzuki actually went and did MMA fights, while Taker cosplays with the gloves and for some reason became an undead zombie wizard who does gogoplatas.
Vince spent thousands on dry ice and druid outfits over decades, while Suzuki puts a towel over his head and just walks to the ring for the same effect. And he's legit enough that he can do comedy matches with Mecha Mummy and be in 'One Piece', but still have Moxley

when he pulls up.