That's the plan. Dude really checking out without no sense of care for his own baby. Right now it's looking sweet, but tonight is scary of how the stars aligned with the Dub. Its kinda freaking me out because a while ago I said to my peeps that there will be a promotion that would do what WCW tried to do but be successful at it.
Despite Dubs hic ups and nonsense that "stinks", tonight showed the masses that this promotion is not fukking around.
They literally putting a NJPW main event on free TV. This is not checkers, this is DOTA
It's really not that big a deal.
They were mad about moxley and I'm sure they are sour about Danielson. It is what it is with CM Punk
The rest of these guys jumping over are seen as expendable. They kept adam Cole on the show they insisted on calling developmental. When I said the undisputed era is the goat WWE stable, the Coli told me they don't count.