Excuse the long post bruvs.
I have no voice today. Two nights of great wrestling on the bounce might be all my vocal chords can do
Last night was awesome.
When we sat down and it started filling out I nearly posted here because literally all I could smell was deodorant and soap. I thought we'd hit the lottery. Then this dude sat down in front of me who smelt like he'd slept for the last four weeks in a dumpster. I don't know how they manage it.

Pretty sure I saw my old weed guy outside by himself but I stopped buying from him a couple of years ago so I didn't say hello
We were sat right by the tunnel they used for entrances last year - the seats just over from us kept getting used by Lexi, Arkady and a bunch of wrestlers popping out to watch.
I was a bit worried during the pre-show that the noise from a smaller crowd was going to get lost in the massive space, but once they gave us something to really cheer about (Jamie's return and then Pac's entrance) it all just came together.
Tbh it was when Saraya came out and everyone in that bytch apart from me booed the living shyt out of her. Nice to see them bulking out the family with some up and coming BritWres names - spotted Rhio, Mercedes Blayze, Lizzy Evo and Cameron Khai with them as well as Ricky Knight Jr and obviously Zak Knight. They looked DEEP and the crowd was ready for something to boo. Place EXPLODED for Jamie.
The whole short ladder/tall ladder thing was bizarre, but I thought the match was decent enough. Gotta love Nick Wayne putting HIMSELF through two tables trying to attack other people

Mother Wayne is tall AF and
My girl was pissed they didn't leave Toni Vs Mariah until it was dark but thought they knocked it out the park.
Tag match was fine. Surprised the crowd still love the Scissor gimmick that much. The spot mixing up everyone's finishers was cool.
Gauntlet was STRAIGHT UP FIRE. I felt kinda bad for Kyle O Reilly coming out after OC, Okada and Nigel McGuiness. Nigel returning went HARD but Ricochet blew the doors off. First time I've seen him live

Result got loud BULLshyt chants
Ospreay/MJF was

MJF's heat after last year as babyface was beautiful. Ospreay's entrance. Je-sus. Garcia returning seemed like weird timing for a match that didn't need ANYTHING else but I hope he does stick around.
Mercedes/Britt was fine but the crowd were tired after Ospreay and Britt really is pretty mid compared to today's roster. I hope she can swallow enough pride to be Jamie Hatter's shyt-talker - she can still cut a promo, but the women's matches should've been the other way round if this HAD to be Mercedes opponent.
Coffin match was fun, but give us a different gimmick next time eh? I am taking FULL credit for "Cry Me A River" when Jack pulled out the glass. Shouted as soon as the glass hit the mat and the whole stadium joined in
Main event is the best professional wrestling match I have ever seen live and I'm probably going to watch it back like four times today. From the music hitting to the end the crowd didn't turn the volume down once. Girls behind me were CRYING at the end. Strangers were hugging each other

Last year had the crowd, but this year had the event. 30,000 people made EXTREMELY BAD CHOICES

Oh, and I think we might owe Martha Hart an apology. We're just dikkhead Martha. We didn't mean it