77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants


May 20, 2015
:Thinkingsmilie_1:Why aren't the studies done where whites are leading in negative behavior ever front page news, like drug overdoses and molestations? And I could of sworn just a couple of years back white people were at close to 50% out of wedlock births, now they're at 30:mjlol:.
You want to be white so bad u cant focus on the fact that the government has brainwashed our woman and entitled them to not need men and seek the state to b thr husband.


Yall nikkas hate everything but Tariq Nasheed
Feb 4, 2016
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
All the stat shows is Black people are not family planning and Black women are stuck with the custody of the kid.

And that Black people don't marry...even in the event of a child being born.

So Black kids are just being coparented. Not actually seeing a stable home or a stable relationship...and they are probably growing up like..."Well I don't need to be married and I don't need to have a kid under one roof..."

How you gonna build wealth if you ain't married...

Black people actually need marriage. Black men and women actually need to stick together and create a stable home environment because that's how you build household wealth.

Either do that or wrap it up, pop a pill, insert that IUD in your p*ssy and stop creating loose kids...:camby:

No, all it shows is the kid was born to an unwed mother. Doesn't mean it wasn't born into a 2 parent home, rather with the biologicals or step parents.


Feb 12, 2015
Articles like these are a smokescreen for an actual problem which is the low ass birthrates among all races particularly our own. It's a modern day culling experiment.

Get everybody riled up over 77%! But 77% of how many blk children?
And how many blk men and women are having OOW babies? You have to go to Mordor to find those stats.
The real tea is that most blk women and blk men aren't the ones bussin it open or fukking having kids. About 1/4 of our race are the baby boomers for the majority of our race. And it isn't the educated or middle class having children. It's impoverished, struggling, blks having 3-4 children while the rest of us have 1-2 children or none at all.
Why are there no articles on declining birthrates? B/c the real message is to have less children ultimately.


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
Sweetie pie, the stats were skewed and op is a cac.
It's a lie.
I was gonna call you a stupid bytch but I remember who my mama is.
Read through the thread first before responding. Childish outbursts are unladylike.

The OP being white and stats being skewed doesn't take away from the fact that out of wedlock births is prevelent in our community and the GMB crew and their ilk better not say anything

The rest of your spiel is trash and not even worth responding to.


Jun 21, 2012
All the stat shows is Black people are not family planning and Black women are stuck with the custody of the kid.

And that Black people don't marry...even in the event of a child being born.

So Black kids are just being coparented. Not actually seeing a stable home or a stable relationship...and they are probably growing up like..."Well I don't need to be married and I don't need to have a kid under one roof..."

How you gonna build wealth if you ain't married...

Black people actually need marriage. Black men and women actually need to stick together and create a stable home environment because that's how you build household wealth.

Either do that or wrap it up, pop a pill, insert that IUD in your p*ssy and stop creating loose kids...:camby:

My only argument against marriage, is that in many cases, it's legally against the best interests of men should the relationship end up in a divorce, because men typically get royally screwed by the process and the courts...

But marriage is absolutely ideal to repairing the structure of the black family. It legally combines assets and investments and ultimately increases the family's wealth giving more and BETTER options for both parties and their children. If you have a two parent married household…chances are you'll have a dual income that will allow you to buy a better home, in a better neighborhood, with better schools in a safer environment. You'll have MORE discretionary income for whatever else you need be it for college savings, other investments, and extracurricular activities….You can legally combine assets and pass them down to your children too. You know? All that stuff that people claim black folks don't have because of racism….
How isn't that common fukin sense by now? :mindblown:

A dual income through a marriage provides a stronger degree of stability and family planning when it comes to basic necessities such as healthcare, homes, and education.

As long as the marriage isn't abusive and destructive it's better for everyone involved, man woman and child.

"Co parenting" is generally a bare minimum effort to provide the most basic necessities to the child. Generally speaking, assets aren't legally combined and the primary parent is still working with a single income household. There's less money to play around with and more stress for each parent involved.

I think just about every study confirms that children raised in a legally married household fair better than those who don't academically, psychologically, physically and criminally. with exceptions. I have yet to see or hear anything that confirms a single parent household or a 'co parenting' household is better or just as good as the married one (all things being equal of course).

And I don't care what anyone says….Normally, especially with black children…you can easily tell the difference between the black kids with two married parents under one roof, compared to to those who grew up with single parents and/or those who were co-parented. Everything seems to fair worse with them…everything from their relationships with the opposite sex, to their self-esteem, to their physical health to any psychological issues or academic problems.

It's amazing how short sighted some people are about this issue.
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Mar 23, 2017
Lack of marriage shows lack of trust whether it's on part of the Man or the Woman.
  • If the Man doesn't want to marry the mother of his children it shows he made an error and reflects poorly upon you the "baby momma"
  • If the Woman doesn't want to marry the Man it usually means he's broke and she made an error by marrying a nikka with nothing going for him. So she needs State and Fed bennies to get by and can't name him. Still shameless.
  • If they aren't married because they aren't together but still will co-parent - In aggregate this is still a problem. Stop having babies with Men that you weren't sure you were gonna marry.
I am so tired of the rationalization tactics. nikkas always want to say the game is rigged but they keep falling into the same old traps that the game has laid out for them. nikka wear a condom and be more careful about the Woman you select. Woman make him wear a condom and be more careful about the quality and providing ability about the Man you select. If you fukking so many broke Men you gotta leave all 3 daddies off the birth certificate and refuse to marry any of them it indicates you are a failure in life. Period.

There is just no way you can rationalize this bullshyt. We are the only people in the world with access to the resources we have yet have problems of people in the 3rd world.

King Poetic

Black Coast Island
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
nikkas in here with the Exscuses.:mjlol:

Exactly... Main nikkas talking about we need to hear the truth from nikkas like tariq in regards to whites

But shyt like this it's well,well, well um white people this or u don't have to be married to have kids..

nikkas stay with excuses or blaming others for problems u can control


Jul 1, 2012
All the stat shows is Black people are not family planning and Black women are stuck with the custody of the kid.

And that Black people don't marry...even in the event of a child being born.

So Black kids are just being coparented. Not actually seeing a stable home or a stable relationship...and they are probably growing up like..."Well I don't need to be married and I don't need to have a kid under one roof..."

How you gonna build wealth if you ain't married...

Black people actually need marriage. Black men and women actually need to stick together and create a stable home environment because that's how you build household wealth.

Either do that or wrap it up, pop a pill, insert that IUD in your p*ssy and stop creating loose kids...:camby:
People who build wealth do so because they have learned how to or were born into family wealth. Being married isn't a prerequisite for wealth building. Though some people do need to pool resources. Even then if two broke people marry they may never break out of a poor situation.

Being a healthy Parent to your child should be priority 1 in addition to supporting your child. Let's be honest marriage isn't for everyone.

Wear My Dawg's Hat

Nov 18, 2016
The Land That Time Forgot
Just from a resource and time management efficiency standpoint, the
married, wife-mother/husband-father family structure consistently provides
better direct and community outcomes for children
than the single-mother/single-grandmother
headed family structure that is disproportionate in our community.

Married couple w/children: expenses to support one home; coordinated schedules; sharing of household duties; both parents available to directly nurture studies in the evening and morning; children have in-house male and female gender balance; cooperative relationship modeling in-house; two sets of biologically-related extended family members available for child care

Unmarried couple w/children (including out of wedlock and divorce): usually need expenses to support two (or more) separate residences; uncoordinated schedules; separate household duties; only one parent on-site to nurture studies in the evening and morning (if not at work); children have single gender presence; single-parent rule in-house; legal fees and arrangements needed for custody, support, visitation matters; usually single mother's extended family available for child care
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