Just got my performance review....
3.4 out of
I still received my full bonus fwiw, but on the flip side, being seen a C+ worker bruised my ego and is an unavoidable reminder that I am half-assing things daily. I think years with the company (or maybe just a 9-5 in general?) has me doing the bare minimum to avoid complaints at the end of the day.
My personal goal has been to quit and try trading for a living. I've got enough money to give that a real try for a year, & so the job feels like a means to end. Any attempts at improving processes seem pointless to me because I am not invested in the future of the company and I think it shows.
I contemplated quitting in a month when we are forced to go hybrid-WFH, but I think I'm going to stick it out longer for a few reasons:
- I need a backup plan if trading doesn't work. Right now, I'm seen as a C+ worker which won't cut it. Why don't I improve my skills while I'm getting paid to do it?
- If Covid flares up again in the winter, they might temporarily abandon hybrid WFH again & I want to be working there if that happens again.
- Extra guaranteed money & one last bonus check @ the end of the year never hurt nobody
Follow Ups for me
- Create a hard deadline for when I want to quit.
- Is it after investing a certain amount of $$$ or hitting a new net worth?
- Is it after getting certs or successfully owning new processes internally
- Reverse engineer my timeline so that I know how much effort I need to put in from now until then
- Research what skills/processes/certs are ideal for my skillset and how I can achieve that in my current position
- Create a schedule that plots out weekly targets to hit
- Execute my plan