6 Certs, 6 Series, 6 Pack, 6 Women. What's Really...

What's Stopping You?

  • I'm too lazy.

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • I don't believe in myself.

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • The man is holding black people back.

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • nikka, shut your dumbass up.

    Votes: 20 26.3%
  • I'm already there, and I'm still working.

    Votes: 21 27.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 15, 2014
I see what you're going for, but these guys all probably have above-average natural capabilities with computers, especially Snowden, since the CIA/NSA doesn't just accept any come-around. Also, even though he didn't follow the traditional college track, he still did go to community college and took online courses, workshops, etc.; there are probably few people who would doubt Snowden's ability to blow through a college program. The Robert Reffkin cat graduated from Columbia in 2 years. It's clear that willpower wasn't the only factor at play here. Like I said though, I agree with the intent of your thread.

Very good point, OPs point is valid but his examples are significant outliers


May 1, 2012
1st Question, How snowden get in without an education?

2nd Question, How I become a coder without a college education?

1) He demonstrated the value he could provide on a resume and in his interview

2) There are tons and tons of free courses online, and even better paid ones. From there it's just practice practice practice
Most big companies require a degree. If that's not an option for you then learn enough to build an impressive portfolio and put your projects on GitHub. Then put a link to your projects on linkedin


Mr. Roll-Up
Oct 10, 2012
6 certs/6 figures:
You don't need 6 certs/6 figures to be successful.:francis: What you do need is a good work ethic, which you will develop while trying to attain 6 certs. What the certs do is make you stand out from the pack, but you can do the same if you are confident, and actually know what you are doing/talking about. Once you are in, you have got to bust your ass to get ahead. I work in government, and went from 55k+ to 80K+ in 2 years.:jawalrus: I bust my ass, did everything I was expected to do, everything additional I was asked to do, and everything I was asked if I would be willing to do. I tried to utilize every skill I had, and people began to see all I could do. I'm not quite at 100k yet, but that is my choice. I like what I do and the flexibility within my job, and while some of my former managers who have moved on to greener pastures have offered me higher paying jobs, the trade off to me isn't that great.:manny: Most times being comfortable>>>more money. Making 6 figures isn't a bad goal, but it's not about how much you make....it's about how much you can keep. :usure:You would think the more you make, the more you keep, but that isn't always the case.

6 series:
:beli:......I'm a Benz guy sooooo.......:camby:

(Absolutely unnecessary...If you feel like a luxury car means you made it or doing good, your lost. I can assure there are people out here with 6 series living paycheck to paycheck.

6 Women:
:shaq2:.....Very few nikkas have 6 Women. They might have 6 thots, but 6 females who are about their shyt financially, respect themselves, carry themselves with class, and can completely take care of themselves = (WOMEN).....Naw, 98% of nikkas aint got 6 of those....sorry,:duck:

6 Pack:
:mjpls:.....The easiest, and the least important of the bunch. If you aint got one, that's on you.:ufdup:

With that being said, the premise of the thread is on point. How well you do in life is objective, but it will be based on how well you apply yourself. Either you take control, and make something happen, or you play the hand your dealt.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
congratulations. let's not challenge but encourage others by offering effective solutions and not making a showy display of our own accomplishments...
Dec 19, 2014
what's holding me back is that I hate myself so much that I'm completely comfortable just rotting to death
it's not even big angry hate or anything, it's just reflecting on myself and my past choices like :snoop:
I make a burst of progress and get really obsessed with self improvements and the end point then catch myself like " :skip: not like the end point is gonna be all that great either, since it's you" and go back to just floating through life :beli:


Oct 29, 2012
what's holding me back is that I hate myself so much that I'm completely comfortable just rotting to death
it's not even big angry hate or anything, it's just reflecting on myself and my past choices like :snoop:
I make a burst of progress and get really obsessed with self improvements and the end point then catch myself like " :skip: not like the end point is gonna be all that great either, since it's you" and go back to just floating through life :beli:
Well a lot of things just made a lot of sense now :ld:

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
I see what you're going for, but these guys all probably have above-average natural capabilities with computers, especially Snowden, since the CIA/NSA doesn't just accept any come-around. Also, even though he didn't follow the traditional college track, he still did go to community college and took online courses, workshops, etc.; there are probably few people who would doubt Snowden's ability to blow through a college program. The Robert Reffkin cat graduated from Columbia in 2 years. It's clear that willpower wasn't the only factor at play here. Like I said though, I agree with the intent of your thread.

Not sure if you missed the part where I said, "what's stopping you from going to a two-year and transferring to a good four-year school."

Also, regarding your comment about them being outliers, any successful person I linked to would've been an outlier. That's the point. Maybe Daniel Lewin possesses exceptional numeric skills, but that doesn't really change my point. Find out what you're good at and make a run. Not every tech or wall street position requires numeric skills. There are also plenty of people who possess certain talents/skills and achieve very little.

So yea, identify your talent and run with it, that's the point of the "6 Certs" part.

Good software developers don't grow on trees. Cats think they can just go watch a tutorial or a few and become good at it. I know lots of folks that never could grasp that shyt at all.

Read above.

People still chasing after money in 2015? :mjlol:

People not realizing that there are only four things that matter in life. :russ:

1.) Health 2.) Time 3.) Money 4.) Sex -- Change the order any way you wish.

1st Question, How snowden get in without an education?

2nd Question, How I become a coder without a college education?

A lot of solid coders didn't learn that shyt in a classroom. However, for starters:

MIT: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electric...computer-science-and-programming-spring-2011/

Google Python Class:

White supremacy :skip:

New rule for 2015.
Not allowed to complain about white supremacy until you've done everything in your power to succeed in life...and have still been held down by white supremacy.

but is it boring to learn coding? :sadcam: I cant take any more boring courses


Ok, most importantly, Snowden had to know people in important positions that knew he was an effective hacker/coder/etc (which can be learned in solitude). That is the most important part about getting into the Tech industry without credential. You have to have connections to the industry(you shouldn't be surprised). Once you are in, you can basically learn whatever you need on the job.

No, this is what a lot of losers think though, and there certainly positions where you can get away with this.

Private industry and higher level Government though. No.

Nobody wants you working on enterprise level networks while you learn on the job. No one wants you trouble-shooting mission critical systems while you Google away searching for answers.

high aptitude, passion for hacking/coding/networking, etc


WIth those qualities you can work your way into companies with merit like Dell surprisingly quickly(my boy graduated last year with a degree in English and works for IBM making six figures at 25 now) , then the CIA(which again, he probably knew someone that worked there, or knew someone that knew someone etc..), then eventually the NSA.

No. He got his CIA job through a career-fair dude.

The NSA hires based off of merit as well. You need to have skills to get in there, then network to move up. :jawalrus:


Jul 21, 2014
@Kid McNamara in regards to CS, you're also missing the point that not everyone will be interested in it. I did it for a year, then switched to engineering. :yeshrug: