"50 reminds me of CB4" his baby moms airs him out


Feb 18, 2014
Southern Califa
some of these hoes are gonna die

keep pushing a real nikkas buttons

a baby mama dead on the front page news cuz she went off

not surprised if it happens


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
you are happily married and not experiencing raising children out of wedlock.
so, you are not authenicated in the single parent custodial/non-custodial situation.
things differ greatly when you don't share a tax bracket.
down, to the eic tax return you receive in conjunction with your wife in marriage.
this whole situation is about money in regards to children made out of wedlock.
as one it breeds poverty, and the females in the situation are eic vampires/cs succubus level, in general.

it completely differs from your situation.
hopefully, you don't go through divorce or separation.
or have to be forced from the home.
like what could have happened in relation to physical abuse like fiddy succumbed to.

you also, are not CURRENTLY dealing with a female who is using traditionalism/online activity/narcissism/government capitalism based laws in a penal colony to the press.
to paint a differing image, and create sentimentalism and paint a negative public image for a father.
so, your point of view is not fully experienced with dealing with this situation, at this current time.
plus, you are speaking from a self equated standpoint being married.
not an objective standpoint, where you took into consideration possible variable and nefarious/narcissistic principles and people.

art barr

And I get that but none of those obstacles would've prevented 50 from going to his sons high school graduation. I'm sorry but no matter how much me and my son's mother was going at it, I just couldn't let my boy down like that. fukk the baby mama and take time outta ya schedule to go celebrate with ya prince. With all the money and Lawyers 50 got its no excuse not to be spending time with that boy.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
no one is saying no to 50 but I just think that his baby moms knew what his schedule looked like and could use this "missing" the graduation against him. think about it. his son is about to be off child support and she clearly didn't stack the bread 50 was supplying all these years. shyt seems more like a one last passive aggressive move on her part because she doesnt have the manpower to get at 50 on some for real shyt so use the one thing that he cares about as it pertains to her.

you can blame him for not having a tighter communication bond with his kid, however, because even tho they live apart, his $$$ pays for that kid's schooling, clothes, food, and a damn cell phone where y'all can at least text back and forth.

50 is prolly on some "fukk it" type shyt at this point because any interaction with his kid means interaction with his BM, and his son is prolly on some "fukk it" shyt because he never sees his dad and doesnt know what direction he's headed in now that he's 18 and technically a man

True,50 sound crazy talking about he didn't know the date and blaming them for that shyt though nikkas gotta admit that....I cant imagine a good mama not asking her son "Did you invite your father?" knowing it may be important to the kid and kids forget,or to find out the reason he hasn't invited him to talk to him about it....But I cant imagine a father knowing its his sons senior year and not bothering to find out the date long before now just out of a interest most parent have to wanna see they kids graduate:mjlol:...The son very well may not want that nikka there after all the shyt 50 done said but just say that instead of that "I didndt know the day" shyt.....this is 50 bein childish and unwilling to humble himself to see his sons graduation....if he can live with that which I honestly don't doubt he can so be it:manny:...life and maybe not havin a mama has made breh hard,not callin 50 a phsyco,but he just seem kinda disconnected and lacking in empathy for whatever reason:patrice:

Both Marquis parents should have better answers:snoop:...I would know the exact reason my son didn't want his mama there so I could talk to em about it and make sure he aint fukked up on the inside:sadcam:....or makin a decision to not invite her on sum teenage anger shyt that he might regret later...or just to find out if his mama said she was comin so if she said no I could call and let her know she aint shyt if she don't come:heh:...She too busy spending them checks she don't sound involved in what her son got goin on either:mjpls:....or she just aint sayin what really happened:manny:
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Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
that bytch better save her $............................50 is alotta things, but fake isnt 1 of them....nobody in the industry ever approached him, all the dudes from his hood said he ran the strip with an iron fist


All Star
May 1, 2012
The Passage of Time
True,50 sound crazy talking about he didn't know the date and blaming them for that shyt though nikkas gotta admit that....I cant imagine a good mama not asking her son "Did you invite your father?" knowing it may be important to the kid and kids forget,or to find out the reason he hasn't invited him to talk to him about it....But I cant imagine a father knowing its his sons senior year and not bothering to find out the date long before now just out of a interest most parent have to wanna see they kids graduate:mjlol:...The son very well may not want that nikka there after all the shyt 50 done said but just say that instead of that "I didndt know the day" shyt.....this is 50 bein childish and unwilling to humble himself to see his sons graduation....if he can live with that which I honestly don't doubt he can so be it:manny:...life and maybe not havin a mama has made breh hard,not callin 50 a phsyco,but he just seem kinda disconnected and lacking in empathy for whatever reason:patrice:

Both Marquis parents should have better answers:snoop:...I would know the exact reason my son didn't want his mama there so I could talk to em about it and make sure he aint fukked up on the inside:sadcam:....or makin a decision to not invite her on sum teenage anger shyt that he might regret later...or just to find out if his mama said she was comin so if she said no I could call and let her know she aint shyt if she don't come:heh:...She too busy spending them checks she don't sound involved in what her son got goin on either:mjpls:....or she just aint sayin what really happened:manny:

I don't know why this is hard to digest. 50 told his son a couple of years ago, when he fif showed up unannounced and was dissed for doing so. He specifically stated "I'm done, your momma won". he made it very clear. He's not crying about it, not trying to fix it, he's probably puzzled why it's a story. His son pretty much shytted on him as well as his baby mom. Made it public via TMZ. Now when he doesn't show up to the graduation his son on facebook hit him with the fake outrage.


All Star
Resting in Peace
May 30, 2012
the coli
Are. You. Serious?

You think 50 couldn't get a ticket on time? You think he couldn't buy a ticket off somebody in the parking lot? You think he NEEDED a ticket anyway? He can get into Forbes, you think he couldn't get into a high school graduation?

BUY A TICKET OFF SOMEONE IN THE PARKING LOT LOLOLOL lmao. nikka dis is a graduation not a fukkin Yankees game dumbass. Have u never graduated HS or been to one??? Dey strict as shyt bout it u have to order tickets in advanced and it's LIMITED and let them kno who's coming. There's no way 50 can call up and order tickets nikka it's not summerjam

Sum ppl are just so fukin stupid


Jun 6, 2013
this is funny to me

what she said in the end was truth. this is her first time(except that child support tmz in 08) going on a interview or radio to speak out. 50 stay doing interviews talkin bout everybody else so she has the right to talk about him and expose some things

the term fanatic fukked up the game. that bc a rapper telling you something doesnt mean its the truth or whole truth just bc you're a FAN. always sides to a story. and he stopped her from telling her story twice

Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
that bytch better save her $............................50 is alotta things, but fake isnt 1 of them....nobody in the industry ever approached him, all the dudes from his hood said he ran the strip with an iron fist
Murder Inc ain't in the industry?