5 more days till Ramadan is done

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
I love how easy it is for you to accept "Allah did it" rather than asking HOW your "Allah" did it.

Don't you find that amazing?

I mean you're willing to just accept an answer...THAT DOESNT ANSWER ANYTHING...rather than admitting the limit of your knowledge and trying to understand something.

Figuring out the how doesn't take away from the who. That's just something silly atheists who don't understand anything would say. :heh:

I told you to go study, breh. Then when you figure out how Allah did it, give praise and don't be of the foolish.

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
:pachaha: nikkas starvin themselves in the name of allah.When you die "allah" won't do shyt for you nikkas,you starvin for 30 days for absolutely nothing.Life too short for that bullshyt


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Figuring out the how doesn't take away from the who. That's just something silly atheists who don't understand anything would say. :heh:

I told you to go study, breh. Then when you figure out how Allah did it, give praise and don't be of the foolish.

You can't confirm "who" outside of you just being told "who"

thats the funny part.

you claim to know god did it.

How did god do it?

Surely you must know. :leostare:


Cacs Gonna Cac
Jun 16, 2012
Greensboro, NC
:snoop: I came in this thread interested in Ramadan stories and leaving disappointed
some people just want to watch the world burn :snoop:

These clowns bash and berate islams followers for not having knowledge, but have little knowledge of islam like the people they claim to be dumb. They nenegate the fact that islam popularized the indian concept of zero, invented the quarantining people based on types of sicknesses which led to the invention of hospitals, invented algebra, translated most of greek medical data we have today, created a foundation for the western world to climb out of their backwards dark ages which inspired the atheist thinkers they all worship today
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May 5, 2012
what type of stories you wanna hear?

Nothing interesting about not eating or drinking water sunrise to sunset lol.

Just the overall experience in your perspective...Have you gained any insight to yourself while fasting? What is the protocol for Ramadan?

Like ramadan being bullshyt? :leostare:

You pick and chose your battles wisely...this wasn't a wise choice

some people just want to watch the world burn

These clowns bash and berate islams followers for not having knowledge, but have little knowledge of islam like the people they claim to be dumb. They nenegate the fact that islam popularized the indian concept of zero, invented the quarantining people based on types of sicknesses which led to the invention of hospitals, invented algebra, translated most of greek medical data we have today, created a foundation for the western world to climb out of their backwards dark ages which inspired the atheist thinkers they all worship today

I don't like how he berated and derailed the thread...I'm an atheist myself, but there is a time and place for such things and this was neither the time or place :snoop:

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
You can't confirm "who" outside of you just being told "who"

thats the funny part.

you claim to know god did it.

How did god do it?

Surely you must know. :leostare:

You're missing the important part.

You have NO answers, NO guidance, NO code of conduct (as evidenced by your frequent display of ignorant rants), NO respect or tolerance for others.

Why, based on what you've shown here, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you are an ignorant, confused, angry little man who can't even describe what he believes. As I said, you have NO answers for anything. :heh:

And the level of ignorance you display makes me proud to not be associated with you. Why would we turn away from knowledge and guidance to choose ignorance in every form of the word? You know nothing about Islam, you know nothing about science. I don't know what kind of science you're studying but entire universes don't appear from magic fire crackers.

So again, I encourage you to study something rather than spending yor days fighting something you obviously don't know anything about. And what do you even hope to accomplish? As I said, no one is interested in abandoning guidance to join the ranks of the ignorant. Your army will always be weak and insignificant. :umad:

Talmbout fairy tales when you believe in magic beanstalks. The concept of God is absurd but life magically appearing from nothing is an ingenious concept. :heh:

Misery loves company but you won't be making any new friends in his thread. These people are too intelligent to align themselves with the nonsense you offer.

Allah gave you life. Or are you, yourself the creator? Or was it the magic firecracker? All the precision in the universe and this fool holds whales and chicken wings in higher regard than himself. :heh:

Shaitan promised to debase man and you are a perfect example. Your ignorance only strengthens our faith because you confirm what Quran teaches.

As I said in the beginning, you're simply playing the role you were created for. Sucks to be you. Alhamdullah, we're blessed, and not of the wicked, the ignorant or those who deny the truth even though they know it like the back of their hand.

God is in you, that's why you can't stop talking about Him. You went to bed thinking about Him and you'll wake up thinking about Him. The only difference between you and me is that I don't deny the obvious. Meanwhile, your inner-struggle will continue until you accept truth and stop rejecting it.

Allah forgives and we won't judge you. Many of us were once ignorant too. Maybe not as ignorant and annoying, but many of us were in search of truth as well. Set your pride aside and use common sense. The only thing you're doing in this thread is embarrassing yourself.


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
some people just want to watch the world burn :snoop:

These clowns bash and berate islams followers for not having knowledge, but have little knowledge of islam like the people they claim to be dumb. They nenegate the fact that islam popularized the indian concept of zero, invented the quarantining people based on types of sicknesses which led to the invention of hospitals, invented algebra, translated most of greek medical data we have today, created a foundation for the western world to climb out of their backwards dark ages which inspired the atheist thinkers they all worship today

Yup..I'm athiest, but you can't ignore what they did to advance society back then..


All Star
May 25, 2012
My brehs, let us ignore this demonic soul which hath yet to be touched by the light.

Surely this is a topic of celebration between The Brotherhood :blessed:

As for me, my ramadan hasn't been as good as it should have. Gotta perform better than that my brehs :to:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Just the overall experience in your perspective...Have you gained any insight to yourself while fasting? What is the protocol for Ramadan?

You pick and chose your battles wisely...this wasn't a wise choice

I don't like how he berated and derailed the thread...I'm an atheist myself, but there is a time and place for such things and this was neither the time or place :snoop:

Every time, is a time a place.

Why do religious people get to pretend their beliefs all of a sudden exist in a vacuum when their bullshyt OBVIOUSLY spills over into every realm of society offline? :leostare:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You're missing the important part.

You have NO answers, NO guidance, NO code of conduct (as evidenced by your frequent display of ignorant rants), NO respect or tolerance for others.v

I have plenty of answers. Thats the point. You claim to know more than you actually do. Thats the problem. You dont even know the limit of your own knowledge.

Your "allah" answer...doesn't answer anything.

And no, i don't have respect for your bullshyt.

Why, based on what you've shown here, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you are an ignorant, confused, angry little man who can't even describe what he believes. As I said, you have NO answers for anything. :heh:

Why should I explain what I believe? You haven't asked me. You've merely failed to reassert what YOU believe. The burden of proof is on YOU son.

And the level of ignorance you display makes me proud to not be associated with you. Why would we turn away from knowledge and guidance to choose ignorance in every form of the word? You know nothing about Islam, you know nothing about science. I don't know what kind of science you're studying but entire universes don't appear from magic fire crackers.

I know more about Islam than you do. thats the funny thing.

I have degrees in "science" (spoken as if you don't understand what "science" is )

And I didnt' say they came from "magic fire crackers"

Even further, EVEN IF i couldn't explain where the universe is said to come from, (I can) then that wouldn't therefore mean "allah" did it.

Don't be fukking stupid.

If I can't explain how a bank robbery happened, does that mean "allah" did it? :leostare:

So again, I encourage you to study something rather than spending yor days fighting something you obviously don't know anything about. And what do you even hope to accomplish? As I said, no one is interested in abandoning guidance to join the ranks of the ignorant. Your army will always be weak and insignificant. :umad:

Weak and insignificant?

...so says the guy who asks a deity to change the universe to act in his favor from time to time... :mjpls:

Talmbout fairy tales when you believe in magic beanstalks. The concept of God is absurd but life magically appearing from nothing is an ingenious concept. :heh:

Where did god come from? :leostare:
Misery loves company but you won't be making any new friends in his thread. These people are too intelligent to align themselves with the nonsense you offer.

Allah gave you life. Or are you, yourself the creator? Or was it the magic firecracker? All the precision in the universe and this fool holds whales and chicken wings in higher regard than himself. :heh:
Allah gave me life? Can you prove that beyond simple chemistry?

Precision in the universe? Like congenital birth defects? :leostare:

Shaitan promised to debase man and you are a perfect example. Your ignorance only strengthens our faith because you confirm what Quran teaches.

OR, your religious leaders knew it was going to be seen as fukking silly so they warned you that people will make fun of you.

Its a self-fullfilling prophecy. i.e. a fallacy.

As I said in the beginning, you're simply playing the role you were created for. Sucks to be you. Alhamdullah, we're blessed, and not of the wicked, the ignorant or those who deny the truth even though they know it like the back of their hand.

Ask why your god made me not believe. :mjpls:

God is in you,
Yet another statement you have to prove.

that's why you can't stop talking about Him. You went to bed thinking about Him and you'll wake up thinking about Him. The only difference between you and me is that I don't deny the obvious. Meanwhile, your inner-struggle will continue until you accept truth and stop rejecting it.

I can play that game too:

The lochness monster is in you. Thats why you can't stop talking about Him. You went to bed thinking about the Lochness monster and you'll wake up thinking about the Lochness monsters. The only difference between you and me is that I don't deny the obvious. Meanwhile, your inner-struggle will continue until you accept truth and stop rejecting it.

Allah forgives and we won't judge you. Many of us were once ignorant too. Maybe not as ignorant and annoying, but many of us were in search of truth as well. Set your pride aside and use common sense. The only thing you're doing in this thread is embarrassing yourself

Religious people love to speak poetically as if they're tuned into a special way of speaking about magic bullshyt. Its hilarious.

You uncouth, and uncultured peasant of a pseudointellectual blight on human evolution and expression.

I fear for your impact on society and your inability to cope with the reality of how utterly fukking stupid you are...and how little you actually realize it.[/quote]