Why couldn't they be doing this exact same angle if CAWdy won at WM?
Because the story is about the Roman Empire crumbling. The tribal chief character NEEDS the titles. During the match Rome said "I am gonna be tag team champions." That's why Sami references it. Hell, even Rome and Paul themselves said the character NEEDS to be champion or this won't work. When Rome loses, he's leaving, and then people will want him back.
Here's what I could see on Friday or long term:
Rome: Wiseman, bring me my cousins.
Paul: Yes my tribal chief.
*Paul cant find them no one can contact them*
Rome turns on Solo. Solo will have to spike Rome because we know he aint no bytch.
It will be that the elders told him to do it, and then we will see an appearance from none other than Rikishi, telling all 3 of his sons what they have to do.
We HAVE to get the Nobody's Bytch shirts back