45, yep, 45 is the body count she just admitted to me.....I love her but still feel cheapen


Oct 10, 2017
You just exposed you dont know anything about men and how idiotic women who try to say men and women are the same so they can do the same things sound.
i'm smashin any woman that is a 6 or above and just puttin it out there on a platter like that. I have no shame


Apr 4, 2015
Debate with facts or go home. Define the strawman in my assertions and please try to follow the conversations.

An intellectual midget like yourself is actually under the impression that you can take me on in any debate...laughable

Now you're trying to hurt my feelings..........try harder.

The strawman ........
is the entire reply.

But I'll bite a little

Elementary level understanding, the so-called black community is doing nothing more than maintaining the status quo of a failed matriarchy look at that now I just repeated myself for the second time all the education in the world doesn't change this fact it shouldn't take decades let alone centuries(nice cop out btw) to see any tangible results technological or otherwise if you think it does you're basically telling me that women are incompetent.

Whether or not these women are apparently the
Fastest growing at a literary level
Fastest growing at an entrepreneurial level
The Biggest consumers in the bc

is redundant this has nothing to do with the so-called community still being a Matriarchy due to feminism a failed one at that...

Now let's get on to the fact you're blatantly talking out of your ass in an attempt to insult my intelligence.You're gonna sit here and tell me these so-called black women haven't had any help from the system at large? You're gonna sit here and revise history?LMGTFY What's your endgame here outside out of being a disingenuous mangina hmm?

Also, whether or not "educated" people laugh at me is not a concern I have thick skin I'm okay with people thinking I'm wrong.

Some of these people have the mindset of a early 1900 white man who believes in social Darwinism.



All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Now you're trying to hurt my feelings..........try harder.
lol i am tired...this is a thread about body numbers....tag me in another thread next time...

but parting gift, there is a different between help and "system help"
Help: the link you sent shows foundations started by bp funding in millions of dollars
System help: this is hundreds of billions of dollars every years for decades...bw/bm didnt get that. (gi bill, fha, housing loans) too many.


Feb 12, 2015
Every man (except my first boyfriend) I have ever been with has asked this question though. So actually normal men do care about their partners sexual past, and for good reason. What, every guy who speaks about it online isn’t normal? You can argue there’s a certain demographic on message boards, but on other forms of media? They’re not normal? Really? No normal people wonder about that? Riiiight.

In fact I’m keeping my opinion on the matter pretty straight forward, they generally do not like women with a high body count. And you know a lot women aren’t honest about that for a reason, not even in this era of slut walks. You can put any spin on it you like, say I’m breaking character or whatever if that makes what I’m saying easier to digest. Doesn’t change that fact.
Normal people think about it but don't obsess about it and no man across cultures btw has ever asked me about my body count. People tend to talk big about this but in real life experiences---ya know away from computer screens where u can pretend to be anybody---most people care waaaaaay less. The idea that body count has kept chicks from being in long-term relationships and marriages is damn near an internet fantasy meme perpetuated by a small sample of angry dudes who resent these chicks having sex with all these dudes other than themselves and STILL being able to get into relationships. When u broke character a while back with that oh so telling resentful quip about the type of sex the chicks I know was having in college, u had me in tears b/c u embodied that spirit unknowingly for a few seconds!:mjlol:

A lot of women aren't honest not b/c them enjoying dikks prior to meeting u is wrong but b/c dudes can't and don't want to really think about women being sexually active outside of their dikks. As TLC once said "if he knew the things I did, he couldn't handle it...so I choose to keep him protected...":lolbron: Meanwhile millions and billions of women have done this since the beginning of time and people have still had families and relationships. Life goes on. Toast gets buttered. Hoes do get chosen in a lot of cases. Water is still wet and the beat goes on.:mjlol: This doesn't mean OP needs to choose ole girl or anything like that. But judging chicks for the sex they had prior to settling down is an exercise in futility especially when people can and do and HAVE lied.

Ms. Quick

“If I don’t eat breakfast I’m fking pissed off!”
Jun 2, 2012
Normal people think about it but don't obsess about it and no man across cultures btw has ever asked me about my body count. People tend to talk big about this but in real life experiences---ya know away from computer screens where u can pretend to be anybody---most people care waaaaaay less. The idea that body count has kept chicks from being in long-term relationships and marriages is damn near an internet fantasy meme perpetuated by a small sample of angry dudes who resent these chicks having sex with all these dudes other than themselves and STILL being able to get into relationships. When u broke character a while back with that oh so telling resentful quip about the type of sex the chicks I know was having in college, u had me in tears b/c u embodied that spirit unknowingly for a few seconds!:mjlol:

A lot of women aren't honest not b/c them enjoying dikks prior to meeting u is wrong but b/c dudes can't and don't want to really think about women being sexually active outside of their dikks. As TLC once said "if he knew the things I did, he couldn't handle it...so I choose to keep him protected...":lolbron: Meanwhile millions and billions of women have done this since the beginning of time and people have still had families and relationships. Life goes on. Toast gets buttered. Hoes do get chosen in a lot of cases. Water is still wet and the beat goes on.:mjlol: This doesn't mean OP needs to choose ole girl or anything like that. But judging chicks for the sex they had prior to settling down is an exercise in futility especially when people can and do and HAVE lied.

Caring about it isn’t obsessing though. The goal post has been moved so much throughout our exchanges it might as well be outside the fence.

And you’d have a point if any sex prior to settling was an issue, but for most normal men it’s not. It’s an excess of partners, hence the need to lie about it in the first place.

Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place
I have never had a man ask. :manny:
Me neither! And I've dated a lot of dudes. I ain't NEVER had a dude ask me which is another reason why I know exactly what I'm dealing with when it comes to these topics.
Both of you are lying or deal with men with low standards, I say respectfully.

There is no way you can date a man and not discuss your dating history.

Your history will eventually come up and you just choose what details you want revealed.


Jun 22, 2012
There’s nothing wrong with sex. Let’s be clear about that BUT sex is something that should be used at your very own speed and pace. Other than that they must be dating men with a longer history and questionable past like their own, equally yoked and they do not care about history becuase they would be hypocrites if they did. If you do not have a longer past, guys do not listen to these girls and set yourselves up for failure. Find you someone equally yoked and don’t jump in the deep end if you aren’t ready. This should have been stated pages ago instead of them preaching setting up people with someone with longer history which clearly most of them aren’t ready for.
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2015
Both of you are lying or deal with men with low standards, I say respectfully.

There is no way you can date a man and not discuss your dating history.

Your history will eventually come up and you just choose what details you want revealed.
I wouldn't even know what the conversation would look like lol! I always wonder if they just avoided the conversation b/c they were some hoes and didn't wanna talk about it. Or they just assumed b/c I wasn't fukking outside of a committed relationship with them that my body count was low. But my thing is i could have been pretending or only been celibate with them while having a wild past. Sans some serious, serious mental behaviors, one would and to this day in a lot of cases still never know.


Feb 12, 2015
Caring about it isn’t obsessing though. The goal post has been moved so much throughout our exchanges it might as well be outside the fence.

And you’d have a point if any sex prior to settling was an issue, but for most normal men it’s not. It’s an excess of partners, hence the need to lie about it in the first place.
This is the only real part I'm iffy about to be honest. One person's excess is not another person's excess. It's so subjective and that's important b/c they have no clue what their partner's definition of subjective is. And asking out of the blue is so weird. "Hey what's ur idea of a LOT of sexual partners?"
"Ummm Id say 12. Beyond that and I dunno about it. Why how many dudes u been with?" (By far the weirdest fukking hypothetical conversation I've ever seen btw)
"Ummm about 7." Not counting oral sex and when u experimented with...and.... LMAO!

If somebody got issues and u are dating them, those are going to come out and more likely than not, it won't be b/c u got accurate data on the amount of dikks they rode b4 u. I mean it would be nice if u could know this, but u really can't. Question for you...how did the conversation come up in ur relationships? I'm actually curious.

Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place
I wouldn't even know what the conversation would look like lol! I always wonder if they just avoided the conversation b/c they were some hoes and didn't wanna talk about it. Or they just assumed b/c I wasn't fukking outside of a committed relationship with them that my body count was low. But my thing is i could have been pretending or only been celibate with them while having a wild past. Sans some serious, serious mental behaviors, one would and to this day in a lot of cases still never know.
:jbhmm: So you've never asked at any point either?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Both of you are lying or deal with men with low standards, I say respectfully.

There is no way you can date a man and not discuss your dating history.

Your history will eventually come up and you just choose what details you want revealed.
No one said all that. Discussing dating history and asking the # of people someone fukked don't go hand in hand.