45, yep, 45 is the body count she just admitted to me.....I love her but still feel cheapen

Ms. Quick

“If I don’t eat breakfast I’m fking pissed off!”
Jun 2, 2012
I question ur gender b/c ur criticisms sound very similar to some I've heard from bitter dudes who aren't sexually active. They are usually very concerned with the type of sex a woman has had in her past b/c they may not be able to compare. As I said before that isn't a female disposition or concern b/c we typically know there are other factors at play in a relationship. It sounds like u broke character a bit and lost it for a quick second. I drew attention to the areas where u broke character with the emphatic "one" and "two", b/c women have different priorities from men. But it is what it is. U don't believe me either so imma let u cook b/c I actually enjoy trolls sometimes. I'm just letting u know that ur skirt is showing so u can refine ur behavior and not be too obvious.

Or they could be upset that she’s been with a lot of men. You’re suggesting that only those who do poorly with women can feel this way. You also assume that men and women have the same sense of what is fair. Ha.

Think of this way...imagine if you found out that your boyfriend or husband did certain acts with another woman but not you. Let’s just say oral for example, are you telling me you wouldn’t feel some kind of way? So why wouldn’t a man, for example, who found out his seemingly oral selfish girlfriend was generous with a previous man?

I have to say, it’s interesting how open minded you are when it comes to our sexuality, but my rational opinion on the matter raises flags, you suspect I’m breaking a chacater of some sort. Which leads me to believe that maybe your experiences aren’t as vast as you proclaim. Mainly due to the fact that there are many women who feel the same as I do.


Feb 12, 2015
if i went to the salon and went to every thread trying to convince women to keep dating their broke ex boyfriends who don't have anything going ya'll would neg me. And you would be right in doing so cause that's terrible advice. it's not our right as men to shame women in their dating choices & what they find attractive. why do you, and many others always feel the need to try and dictate what men "should" find attractive?
Men do post in the salon tho. Also this is just a discussion. It's less about dictating and more about discourse and discussing different perspectives.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If 45 is what she admitted to, the actual number is probably a lot more. Man if you ain't comfortable with that, then don't deal with her. Stop listening to the simps that try to shame you into dealing with something that you ain't feeling.


Feb 12, 2015
No one cares about women being sexual please stop with the victim complex. I’d say anything significantly exceeding the average partner count for any gender is considered promiscuous.

If the average woman sleeps with 9-14 men in her life, and starts being active as a teenager. Then a woman in her 20’s who already has 3/4 times that is a red flag.

Just because your promiscuous friends are married doesn’t mean they are considered top choice/the most desirable. And they should be ashamed of themselves if they lied to a man that wouldn’t have stayed with them if he knew about their pasts.

Lol women are the same way. I can’t count how many women are wary of male athletes, celebrities, players, thirsty/man hoe dudes, men with WAY too many options. Women don’t want men who pay/have payed for sex either. It’s a turn off to them... Are those women “projecting” (lol) their insecurities onto men in those situations?

Women want the men that every lady wants but can’t have, and men want the woman that all the men are after but can’t get.
Lol! This discussion said nothing about any of that. We literally discussing whether women can have multiple sexual partners prior to settling down and still maintain a long-term relationship. Life has shown me that yeah. It happens. So why deny or be pissed about it.

I've already said that the 45 number is excessive. However I'm merely addressing the fallacy that always comes into these conversations that if a woman more sex than what we deem is acceptable (ur number being completely subjective btw b/c some would call anything over 5 a slut or 10 a slut) is incapable of growth and maturity and future positive relationships which is false no matter what your desperate to believe.

And YEAH. Women project TONS of insecurities into men sexually. To be honest I think it's just as retarded when women think men with low sex counts can't please them---and yeah I've heard chicks say stuff like this too b/c they confuse sexual experience with sexual skill. Meanwhile, a passionate dude can have a low ass body count and fukk u senseless, while another dude could fukk the world, take that same wack ass stroke to multiple faking chicks and still be horrible in bed.

My point is that so-called conventional wisdom flies right out the door when it comes to human complexity and sexuality in a lot of cases.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
Men do post in the salon tho. Also this is just a discussion. It's less about dictating and more about discourse and discussing different perspectives.

ok but im asking you. why do you, and other women in general feel so hell bent on trying to convince us to take L's? I'm asking you in particular because you're in here typing out full coli dissertations trying to get brehs to put ourselves in a bad position.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Lol! This discussion said nothing about any of that. We literally discussing whether women can have multiple sexual partners prior to settling down and still maintain a long-term relationship. Life has shown me that yeah. It happens. So why deny or be pissed about it.

I've already said that the 45 number is excessive. However I'm merely addressing the fallacy that always comes into these conversations that if a woman more sex than what we deem is acceptable (ur number being completely subjective btw b/c some would call anything over 5 a slut or 10 a slut) is incapable of growth and maturity and future positive relationships which is false no matter what your desperate to believe.

And YEAH. Women project TONS of insecurities into men sexually. To be honest I think it's just as retarded when women think men with low sex counts can't please them---and yeah I've heard chicks say stuff like this too b/c they confuse sexual experience with sexual skill. Meanwhile, a passionate dude can have a low ass body count and fukk u senseless, while another dude could fukk the world, take that same wack ass stroke to multiple faking chicks and still be horrible in bed.

My point is that so-called conventional wisdom flies right out the door when it comes to human complexity and sexuality in a lot of cases.

I understand what your getting at but at the end of the day it’s about fidelity. I would not trust a woman with a history of so many sexual partners to be faithful. I’ve dealt with women of that sort and their idea of faithfulness was making the other guys in her roster use condoms while giving the guy she “loves”bare sex :mjlol:

There is something pathological about promiscuity at that level 90% of the time . They just don’t wake up and become faithful one day.


Feb 12, 2015
Or they could be upset that she’s been with a lot of men. You’re suggesting that only those who do poorly with women can feel this way. You also assume that men and women have the same sense of what is fair. Ha.

Think of this way...imagine if you found out that your boyfriend or husband did certain acts with another woman but not you. Let’s just say oral for example, are you telling me you wouldn’t feel some kind of way? So why wouldn’t a man, for example, who found out his seemingly oral selfish girlfriend was generous with a previous man?

I have to say, it’s interesting how open minded you are when it comes to our sexuality, but my rational opinion on the matter raises flags, you suspect I’m breaking a chacater of some sort. Which leads me to believe that maybe your experiences aren’t as vast as you proclaim. Mainly due to the fact that there are many women who feel the same as I do.
I would say they are most fixated and irrationally rigid about it...yeah.

Most men ain't even trying to ask as you've heard several dudes in here say. Normal people try not to think about partner's sexual pasts b/c it's weird. The social nuances of this is what u aren't getting. Nobody is up at night wondering about whose p*ssy he tasted before or what dikk they sucked prior. To do so would send people into a spiral of anxiety about sex but rationally we all know fukking happens. I suspect u were breaking character b/c once again, females aren't oriented towards that disposition of caring about other female's sex lives. Lol!

It sounds like ur a man pretending to be a woman who is outraged by females having been highly sexual in their pasts and establishing successful relationships in their future. When people really dissect this, it looks strange. Why would a female have a problem with another female's sexuality or the sexual pleasure she experienced prior to marriage, especially when it worked out well for her and her family?

As a woman who understands what we are capable of, namely being able to be highly sexual creatures and still operate in many different avenues, u are having difficulties with concepts of womanhood that should be pretty damn normal. Men don't get it b/c they don't exist within a female body with its hormones, nor do they exist under social restrictions and constraints that require us to hide and lie about our sexuality or face the frustrations and disparaging remarks like the ones in these threads if we want to explore our sexuality at one point in our lives and then transition to long-term relationships...which is actually normal...but of course I wouldn't have to tell u that if---nvrmind.:lolbron::mjlol:

But carry on. I can respect it.:ehh:


Feb 12, 2015
ok but im asking you. why do you, and other women in general feel so hell bent on trying to convince us to take L's? I'm asking you in particular because you're in here typing out full coli dissertations trying to get brehs to put ourselves in a bad position.
I'm not trying to get him to take an L. I even said a while back that if he chooses not to be with her, he shouldn't be shamed for that.

I'm just interested in people's irrational hang ups with females and sex when reality doesn't correspond to this ideal with tryin to hold women to.

I saw a study the other day that said virgins have a very low chance of divorce. I was like that makes sense.

But the same damn study also showed that women with between 8-9 sexual partners ALSO had very low rates of divorce. LMAO!

Life! My thing is: what do ya'll do with inconvenient truths when they don't fit ur worldview?

U get mad at the messenger instead of appreciating that maybe there are other factors at play. Lmao! My penultimate advice is this: worry less about sex and more about heart/character/readiness and willingness to sustain and build something real. Sex can tell u some stuff about somebody but not as much as u want it to. And it certainly doesn't have to be a deterrent to being able to have a good future relationship.


Feb 12, 2015
I understand what your getting at but at the end of the day it’s about fidelity. I would not trust a woman with a history of so many sexual partners to be faithful. I’ve dealt with women of that sort and their idea of faithfulness was making the other guys in her roster use condoms while giving the guy she “loves”bare sex :mjlol:

There is something pathological about promiscuity at that level 90% of the time . They just don’t wake up and become faithful one day.
LOL! I've heard chicks say shyt like they still virgins b/c they never had raw sex!:russ: Da fukk?!:bryan::youngsabo:bytch bye!:deadrose:

Ironically, I actually agree. LMAO! But not b/c of silly ass ideas like "women can't handle sex and life" or "dey emotional creatures and soul ties"

But because these are the people using sex as a drug to cover up deeper issues. These chicks tryin to fukk the pain away in a lot of cases.

But this doesn't account for chicks who are stone cold freaks and just love sex either. And there isn't really anything wrong with this group. And if they choose to be faithful, they can and will but will want to have a LOT of sex with their partner in their marriages.

When I was younger I didn't even know there were women out there with higher sex drives than men. But my cousin works in counseling and she said u would be shocked by the amount of couple where the husband can't keep up with their wives.

I really do think we are still figuring out that female sexuality is waaaaaaay deeper than we want to imagine. Hell in high and middle school, my little male students were innocents. It was them fast ass female students I had to watch.

My middle school boys havin conversations about hairlines and DBZ. My middle school girls changing into slutty ass outfits in the bathroom.
"If u don't get cho FAST ASS back in that--":camby::ufdup:
I just want people to understand that women are far more sexual than we think and societal constraints have led to some very unhealthy ideas and just outright fukking lies about our sexuality---one namely being that we can't function or maintain a healthy relationship if we had a really good sexual time with multiple people in college or elsewhere in their youth.

Meanwhile, this doesn't really play out in reality. And the only difference between this dudes chick and ur wifey might be whether or not ya'll talked about this or not.:whew:


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
I'm not trying to get him to take an L. I even said a while back that if he chooses not to be with her, he shouldn't be shamed for that.

I'm just interested in people's irrational hang ups with females and sex when reality doesn't correspond to this ideal with tryin to hold women to.

I saw a study the other day that said virgins have a very low chance of divorce. I was like that makes sense.

But the same damn study also showed that women with between 8-9 sexual partners ALSO had very low rates of divorce. LMAO!

Life! My thing is: what do ya'll do with inconvenient truths when they don't fit ur worldview?

U get mad at the messenger instead of appreciating that maybe there are other factors at play. Lmao! My penultimate advice is this: worry less about sex and more about heart/character/readiness and willingness to sustain and build something real. Sex can tell u some stuff about somebody but not as much as u want it to. And it certainly doesn't have to be a deterrent to being able to have a good future relationship.

it's not any more of an "irrational hang up" as not dating a breh under 6" or making less than 6 figures or not being socially awkward etc. ya'll have all kinds of reasons for why you curve brehs and we accept it. but when it flips & we curve thotties for commitment here ya'll go writing 5 paragraph essays lol. nikkas not going to wife thots if we can avoid it. we have very legitimate reasons as to why we won't. it doesn't matter how many women and goofy simps say otherwise. you don't have our best interest at hearts if you giving a breh this bad advice tbh, especially in todays world you setting brehs up to be food. which will only make them hate women so ya'll really gotta chill with that


Sep 11, 2013

Ace wrote this thread on Dec 23, 2017. This must be the same girl. SMH

She told me she was celibate, I respected it, on our 8th date, at 12:05am, "dikk" calls her.

dude is hard headed, run!!:damn:

Ms. Quick

“If I don’t eat breakfast I’m fking pissed off!”
Jun 2, 2012
I would say they are most fixated and irrationally rigid about it...yeah.

Most men ain't even trying to ask as you've heard several dudes in here say. Normal people try not to think about partner's sexual pasts b/c it's weird. The social nuances of this is what u aren't getting. Nobody is up at night wondering about whose p*ssy he tasted before or what dikk they sucked prior. To do so would send people into a spiral of anxiety about sex but rationally we all know fukking happens. I suspect u were breaking character b/c once again, females aren't oriented towards that disposition of caring about other female's sex lives. Lol!

It sounds like ur a man pretending to be a woman who is outraged by females having been highly sexual in their pasts and establishing successful relationships in their future. When people really dissect this, it looks strange. Why would a female have a problem with another female's sexuality or the sexual pleasure she experienced prior to marriage, especially when it worked out well for her and her family?

As a woman who understands what we are capable of, namely being able to be highly sexual creatures and still operate in many different avenues, u are having difficulties with concepts of womanhood that should be pretty damn normal. Men don't get it b/c they don't exist within a female body with its hormones, nor do they exist under social restrictions and constraints that require us to hide and lie about our sexuality or face the frustrations and disparaging remarks like the ones in these threads if we want to explore our sexuality at one point in our lives and then transition to long-term relationships...which is actually normal...but of course I wouldn't have to tell u that if---nvrmind.:lolbron::mjlol:

But carry on. I can respect it.:ehh:

Every man (except my first boyfriend) I have ever been with has asked this question though. So actually normal men do care about their partners sexual past, and for good reason. What, every guy who speaks about it online isn’t normal? You can argue there’s a certain demographic on message boards, but on other forms of media? They’re not normal? Really? No normal people wonder about that? Riiiight.

In fact I’m keeping my opinion on the matter pretty straight forward, they generally do not like women with a high body count. And you know a lot women aren’t honest about that for a reason, not even in this era of slut walks. You can put any spin on it you like, say I’m breaking character or whatever if that makes what I’m saying easier to digest. Doesn’t change that fact.
Nov 20, 2017
Kansas City
it's not any more of an "irrational hang up" as not dating a breh under 6" or making less than 6 figures or not being socially awkward etc. ya'll have all kinds of reasons for why you curve brehs and we accept it. but when it flips & we curve thotties for commitment here ya'll go writing 5 paragraph essays lol. nikkas not going to wife thots if we can avoid it. we have very legitimate reasons as to why we won't. it doesn't matter how many women and goofy simps say otherwise. you don't have our best interest at hearts if you giving a breh this bad advice tbh, especially in todays world you setting brehs up to be food. which will only make them hate women so ya'll really gotta chill with that

Lol I lurked for the longest time and been noticed this too. Always giving the dumbest advice in here smh. Let me go into the salon talking about accept cheating/bum ass men etc. I’d be in the negative in a minute.