40+ Successful professional black women are getting in vitro to be "single mothers by choice"


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
This is why some ladies will have to marry out. A lot of us only get the memo when we’re older. If the girls in “diverse” areas or PWIs get the memo they can date whoever is around that is a good fit, and the young ladies who have access to a greater network of upwardly mobile young brehs can focus on dating brehs only, if they choose.
That’s dumb and plays right into those fake J’s plans. They want us to date out so they can wipe our seed out with mamzers with “good straight or curly dog hair”.That is not a solution.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
CONTEXT. most people responding negatively are thinking of the statistics and stereotypes. OP framed it as people have the means to have in vitro, had the wherewithal to not get randomly pregnant at a younger age, etc. I think you can assume they have the means to skip a lot of the downfalls that come with being a single parent that doesn't have all the resources. for example a recent thread about elon musk having hella kids nobody cared and they was like "i would have 20 kids and 30 baby mamas if i was him" :yeshrug:
lol ok.


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
So, are single parent households optimal or ok for children? I mean, we have data that says otherwise, but based on this, are we saying it’s now ok?
It’s really common sense.

If I had to go in the jungle and survive for 18 years but I can only choose one of two options:

Option A: You can choose to go out alone, you will be provided resources to aid you throughout your survival but you’ll receive no assistance.

Option B: you’ll have double the resources and can choose a partner.

A logical person would go for option B. Someone who knows deep down they’re insufferable and drive the other person away would chose option A.

It makes zero sense to go at it alone by choice.


Oct 26, 2014
it takes two to raise a child too. thats the real natural order being violated here. it’s worse than just being a baby mama because at least that child still has a father but he’s just not together with the mom.

these childrens father are literally some anonymous dude that jerked off in a cup for weed money. the adult unilaterally took away the child’s right to ever have a father at all just based off some well i FEEL i can do bad all by myself so i will shyt. that is dreadful decision making whether someone can afford it or not. money aint everything

It's not just about "feeling they can do bad by themselves".

For some? Yes.

For others? They probably tried, but some of the guys they were with had serious flaws.

And they realized they are 40 - they don't have much time left.


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
Professional Black women be manly as fukk and wanna control the relationship because they “career women”—been bushed them hoes.
I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They want to wear the pants but they also want the man to be domineering, but not be “submissive” whilst at the same time be treated femininely.

Also, they don’t want to earn more than the man but they STILL want to be in competition with him.

How can you date anyone with that level of cognitive dissonance? They’re insane. God help me if I break up with my woman.


Mar 11, 2022
Interesting thread, I have personal experience with this. Met a chic off a dating site as well, a nurse, and was surprised to learn during a meet n greet that she chose IVF and is a single mother. For her, yes, age was a factor as is almost in all cases and she desperately wanted to be a 'mom'. So many questions I had but you are correct. For her, it was the status guy of her dreams or single mom thru IVF. Now, here's s the sucky part. She works 12h shifts, bought (overpaid for) a home during the pandemic (made a lot of pandemic $$$$) and has a luxury car. That translates into her working some 60h weeks. The kid, 6yr old girl, spends virtually all her time/life w/the at home babysitter. Even when mom is home sometimes, she's super exhausted and has the sitter comes thru for like half a day.
On another note, she really didnt have much going on in her life. All she could ever really talked about was her job, almost endlessly. I couldnt give less of a F. She's Latina.
This makes me sad. Geez.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Black men always get the blame tho. Even now you’re blaming them. When will black women stop being harlots and having kids out of wedlock? When the government can no longer afford it? When whites get angry and make the false claim, we’re taking advantage of the system even tho they are the one’s purposely screwing our communities? I’ve never seen you speak out on women, again men can’t fight nothing with no women on their side.

@Booksnrain has spoken out on black women before.

This is why some ladies will have to marry out. A lot of us only get the memo when we’re older.



Oct 26, 2014
Wow, I learned something new today. Society = women only. :gladbron:

Listen “dork”, nowhere did I say it’s womens fault only and nor did I imply there ain’t shyt nikkas. But ultimately, women decide whether to have/keep a baby or not.

I used Naomi Campbell as an example because she is the most famous living black woman. She’s attractive, has dated billionaires and can’t hold down a man. So either one of the most eligible women for decades has bad luck or maybe, she’s just insufferable!

Just like a lot of these professional women are. I work with them and just listening to alot of them for 10 minutes makes me homicidal. What man wants to put up with that?

Are there shytty men? Absolutely. Are there shytty women? Absolutely. The problem is, the latter want to put a Band aid on their problems rather than work it out internally. A man can’t pull a decent woman? He works on himself, his goals, finances (excluding incels). Woman can’t attract decent men?

“Oh I don’t get enough attention? BBL. I can’t hold down a man, let me just go through IVF.” It’s pure vanity. Most of them just want a mini-me. They truly don’t understand the hardships of single parenthood. If they did, THEY WOULD NEVER WILLINGLY put themselves through it.

It’s one thing for the father to leave. To actively not want a father in a child’s life is mental illness. You can’t tell me otherwise. Selfish and vanity driven. If it wasn’t, they’d adopt.

When “society” promotes hot girl summer and degeneracy in our culture, it’s no wonder so many grow up and think having a mother and father as parents is somehow antiquated.
But a lot of guys don't actually improve themselves

My point is that some of these women - which really aren't even that much in number if we're being honest - arent all the Naomi Campbell types. Some of them have been disappointed by some guys. Some guys don't really level up like you said. And if you're a woman who's gonna be 40 years old and time is winding down, but well off enough financially... then :manny:

Obviously some are flawed and/or have bad taste in men. My point is that the same way we talk about many women are unwifeable nowadays... is the same way some men are

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They want to wear the pants but they also want the man to be domineering, but not be “submissive” whilst at the same time be treated femininely.

Also, they don’t want to earn more than the man but they STILL want to be in competition with him.

How can you date anyone with that level of cognitive dissonance? They’re insane. God help me if I break up with my woman.

Well put, it’s a balancing act during an earthquake and nikkas is tired of that shyt let these hoes have they cats and son—husbands.


Feb 12, 2015
White supremacy is a given. The issue is yall are beyond reproach at this point. Black women reward men who do behavior that gets them taken out of the community more than any other man. Also black women originally agreed to marry the state. Black men can’t change without the women being willing to change. No one cares about Britney Renner‘s standards or incels.

Britney Renner is old already and a single mother, she should get with the man she had a baby by or help the next generation of young women in good faith. U keep using incels as an excuse for toxic behavior in our community. You’re blaming ppl that don’t even factor in the equation, and didn’t even mention thgs/rappers/gang bangers which just shows what were actually dealing with here. Wow
Since when? It’s been open season on black women since forever.
Dudes been blaming black women for accepting welfare and putting out black men since the 60s, even tho countless studies have disproven that.
Dudes have also leaned into hip hop culture where they were taught that black women are hoodrats, scallywags, rachet hoes, aint loyal, hairhats, aint poppin, or Pimp culture where they are bottom bytches to be treated like hoes or manipulated. I won’t even get into colorism.
Or conservative politics where black women are lambasted as welfare queens by Reagan.
Then the 2000s hit with waves of manosphere shyt where dudes hid behind screens like Srgt Willie Pete to spew shyt about black women. Comedians making careers off caricaturing black women claiming dark women could take beatings.
All kinds of shyt. Since when have the black, fat, lonely, hairhat, pit Bull, bottom bytches, dark butt, welfare queens, Shea butter, bedwench, rachet, hood rat, ghetto, her hair don’t look better coming out the pool, can’t compete with non-blk women, single mom, using food stamps for lobster and steak—and countless other brands for black women—in light of all the criticism that has ALWAYS been put onto black women ever equated to them being above reproach. :pachaha: :mjlol:
But like I said before, once all the emotion and mudslinging dust settles, we still got 88 black men for every 100 black women. So even if all these trifling horrible, terrible, no good, very bad, evil jezebels were the perfect submissives you wanted…(and even then they still wouldn’t be good enough for some black men b/c some black men just don’t want black women, just like their self-hating black female counterparts don’t want black men), nearly a quarter would still be without mates b:c while we were hyper focusing on beating black women into submission, we curiously forgot to address responsibility, self-pride, work ethic, integrity, sexual responsibility, temperance, resilience, into the millions of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad black men who are equally yoked in dysfunction with their women and are getting killed or incarcerated or dying early due to the shytty white supremacist system we live in.