40+ Successful professional black women are getting in vitro to be "single mothers by choice"


All Star
Dec 23, 2016
šŸ¤” successful women date average men too. Sometimes below average. I think it's an issue of trust. Those women don't have faith in their men to be providers, but their natural instinct still yearns for motherhood. It's dysfunctional for sure lol, but dysfunction always stems from somewhere.


Nov 5, 2015
By the time black men are 44, nearly 80% are fathers.

Perspective miss, by the time black men are 44, they've lived about half their life, to be 40+ and be a father is expected.

Your talking about middle aged men, I'm talking all black men.

Using your statement, that's like saying by the time black men are 70 years plus nearly 90% are grandfathers:mjlol: c'mon miss.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
šŸ¤” successful women date average men too. Sometimes below average. I think it's an issue of trust. Those women don't have faith in their men to be providers, but their natural instinct still yearns for motherhood. It's dysfunctional for sure lol, but dysfunction always stems from somewhere.
well, if thereā€™s not a single man out here that you feel you can trust, then you donā€™t need to have kids. If a man is out here, and feels he canā€™t trust a woman and wants to be gmb, then he donā€™t need kids either.


Breh&Breh Associatesā„¢
Nov 11, 2017
What you dorks who trot out this "natural order" stuff always ignore is that a lot of men aren't doing their parts either.

There's men put here that are abusive, immature, not leaders, don't earn enough money, not willing to help in the house if their wife works as much or more hours than him, etc.

If you want a "natural order", then men need to do their part. Otherwise, some women ain't gonna bother. It's that simple

And no, I don't think women are perfect.

My point is that men aren't perfect either. And it takes two to tango
Wow, I learned something new today. Society = women only. :gladbron:

Listen ā€œdorkā€, nowhere did I say itā€™s womens fault only and nor did I imply there ainā€™t shyt nikkas. But ultimately, women decide whether to have/keep a baby or not.

I used Naomi Campbell as an example because she is the most famous living black woman. Sheā€™s attractive, has dated billionaires and canā€™t hold down a man. So either one of the most eligible women for decades has bad luck or maybe, sheā€™s just insufferable!

Just like a lot of these professional women are. I work with them and just listening to alot of them for 10 minutes makes me homicidal. What man wants to put up with that?

Are there shytty men? Absolutely. Are there shytty women? Absolutely. The problem is, the latter want to put a Band aid on their problems rather than work it out internally. A man canā€™t pull a decent woman? He works on himself, his goals, finances (excluding incels). Woman canā€™t attract decent men?

ā€œOh I donā€™t get enough attention? BBL. I canā€™t hold down a man, let me just go through IVF.ā€ Itā€™s pure vanity. Most of them just want a mini-me. They truly donā€™t understand the hardships of single parenthood. If they did, THEY WOULD NEVER WILLINGLY put themselves through it.

Itā€™s one thing for the father to leave. To actively not want a father in a childā€™s life is mental illness. You canā€™t tell me otherwise. Selfish and vanity driven. If it wasnā€™t, theyā€™d adopt.

When ā€œsocietyā€ promotes hot girl summer and degeneracy in our culture, itā€™s no wonder so many grow up and think having a mother and father as parents is somehow antiquated.
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All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Itā€™s not a solution. Itā€™s reality.
The solution would be to eliminate white supremacy. But you see how you skipped right over the very real numbers disparity DIRECTLY linked to white supremacy to jump to trying to keep a foot on black womenā€™s necks.

As Iā€™ve said b4 black woken have MANY issues. But even if they were perfect thereā€™s STILL only 88 men for every 100 black women. And that is by design.

So the solution could start with black men stopping their blame game to black women and redirecting that energy towards white supremacy that takes them out of the community and makes it hard for them to be protectors and providers.
But that type of energy is dismissed as bashing black men, while we focus on trying to reform Jezebels or convince Brittany Renner to lower her standards for incels.

ā€œ97 percent of African-Americans live in states in which prime-age black men are outnumbered by black women. By this metric, the problem seems pervasive.ā€

I didnā€™t make this stat up. If we want practical solutions, take the emotion out of the conversation and the Bible thumping and the blame game and letā€™s start there.:yeshrug:It might be hard to confront but itā€™s necessary.
White supremacy is a given. The issue is yall are beyond reproach at this point. Black women reward men who do behavior that gets them taken out of the community more than any other man. Also black women originally agreed to marry the state. Black men canā€™t change without the women being willing to change. No one cares about Britney Rennerā€˜s standards or incels.

Britney Renner is old already and a single mother, she should get with the man she had a baby by or help the next generation of young women in good faith. U keep using incels as an excuse for toxic behavior in our community. Youā€™re blaming ppl that donā€™t even factor in the equation, and didnā€™t even mention thgs/rappers/gang bangers which just shows what were actually dealing with here. Wow


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Anyone else noticing this trend lately? is this the endgame? Over the past few months I have met so many black women who either already got the In vitro fertilization or are in the process of getting it to willingly become single mothers. They all fit the same archetype. Successful black women, career oriented, wanting a top teir man, single and over 40 years old. It's insane to me that these women would rather become single mothers from a sperm bank than date and marry an average breh but this is where we are.

I met a 42 year old chick off a dating app a few weeks ago with a 1 year old and when I asked about the father she told be she voluntarily got in vitro cause she wanted to be mother. I just couldn't take her seriously anymore. Even after they become single mothers they still think they can get a top tier breh. Are these women that delusional? Why would you willingly lower your value on the dating market?

Here is an article on it I found
Changing the Narrative Around Black Single Motherhood - Seattle Sperm Bank

I can't fukk with women in their late 30's or early 40's who have little ass kids. I'm talking about kids too young to stay home alone for a couple hours.

also, I cannot remember the last time I met a single mother where the father was involved. my kids live in a whole other state, and I talk to them all the time and have them visit for most of the vacations and I go down there. I don't know what kinda nikkas these women are letting impregnate them :rudy:


All Star
Dec 23, 2016
well, if thereā€™s not a single man out here that you feel you can trust, then you donā€™t need to have kids. If a man is out here, and feels he canā€™t trust a woman and wants to be gmb, then he donā€™t need kids either.
Men love sex, women love intimacy, and children will continue to be born regardless of their parents circumstances. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ This has always been the case.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Strictly by the numbers, itā€™s b/c there isnā€™t a 1:1 ratio of men to women in our community. And that is by design.

If you notice, I mentioned white supremacy and incarceration rates as being the largest factors to blame for this.
When men in your community can get tossed into prison at insane rates for smoking and selling something that is literally being decriminalized across the country, or when homicide is the largest mortality factor for men in your race, it takes millions out and leaves millions of women without viable partners. This isnā€™t black men OR black womenā€™s fault.

But Some try to get into value judgements to deflect from the truth and blame each other.
ā€œOh black women are overweight.ā€ Welp black men are overweight as well and lead in mortality rates for nearly all health disparities.
ā€œBlack women only want thugsā€ And some blacks men are just as delusional and only want to save strippers, hood rats, trifling chicks, or switch it up and only put non-blk chicks on a pedestal.
ā€œBlack women in debt.ā€ Black men are also in debt and struggling economically.
ā€œSome Black women are gay.ā€ And some black men are gay as well either openly or on the DL.

Every complaint we make about black women can also be made about black men. So when all the mud-slinging against one another cancels each other outā€¦we are still left with:

88 black men for every 100 black women in the U.S.
So for the women who made it beyond the statistics, who also arenā€™t interested in ā€œdivestingā€ (b/c they know the truth about non-blk men being just as bad if not 100 times worse), this is what they choose.

I have solutions for both genders in our community, but I doubt either side is going to be honest enough to accept them. This IS TLR of the Coli after all.
Black men always get the blame tho. Even now youā€™re blaming them. When will black women stop being harlots and having kids out of wedlock? When the government can no longer afford it? When whites get angry and make the false claim, weā€™re taking advantage of the system even tho they are the oneā€™s purposely screwing our communities? Iā€™ve never seen you speak out on women, again men canā€™t fight nothing with no women on their side.


Mar 11, 2022
I told people more of this would be happening for countless reasons why for years on this site. Hate to be right but it is what it is.

Women still have reproductive desires but are unwilling to put up with some insufferable male traits and characteristics. So this is what you get. Many are adopting as well and forgoing motherhood altogether.

If you canā€™t find a reasonable partner that you are attracted to who is relationship minded and on the same page, this is the next step.
Not to mention, thereā€™s a legit numbers issue when it comes to blk males and females in major cities. Incarceration rates and early homicides along with systemic white supremacy are to blame there. Apparently according to National census bureau theres 88 black men for every 100 black women.

We keep ignoring the impact of incarceration and early death in black men on the community to skip straight to the ā€œblack women only want thugsā€ or ā€œblack women donā€™t know how to chooseā€.
But even if every blk woman was perfect, nearly 20% would STILL be without based on just numbers.
This is why some ladies will have to marry out. A lot of us only get the memo when weā€™re older. If the girls in ā€œdiverseā€ areas or PWIs get the memo they can date whoever is around that is a good fit, and the young ladies who have access to a greater network of upwardly mobile young brehs can focus on dating brehs only, if they choose.
Jan 24, 2016
So, are single parent households optimal or ok for children? I mean, we have data that says otherwise, but based on this, are we saying itā€™s now ok?

CONTEXT. most people responding negatively are thinking of the statistics and stereotypes. OP framed it as people have the means to have in vitro, had the wherewithal to not get randomly pregnant at a younger age, etc. I think you can assume they have the means to skip a lot of the downfalls that come with being a single parent that doesn't have all the resources. for example a recent thread about elon musk having hella kids nobody cared and they was like "i would have 20 kids and 30 baby mamas if i was him" :yeshrug: