40+ Successful professional black women are getting in vitro to be "single mothers by choice"

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
This happened to me. Father jacked up me and whooped me and yelled in my ear šŸ˜­. We need fathers to do what needs to be done and say what needs to be said. Many fathers are disliked by their sons till adulthood when u become peers. Fathers will make you respect your mom.

I remember one morning before school I was back talking my mom when she told me to take out the trash on the way out.

Pops picked me up later that afternoon on some "I heard you were giving your mom some problems this morning" :unimpressed:

"let me tell you right the fukk now, if you messing with your mom then you messing with me" :birdman:


All Star
Nov 22, 2016
You know Iā€™ve been really trying to understand the obesity rate in bw. And why itā€™s not only drastically higher than other women but also compared to yā€™all lol. Brehs are obviously in much better compared to brehettes. more of yā€™all work outā€¦ I keep reading articles that say that bw donā€™t want to work out because of their hair.

but outside of exercise, when I think about diet wise I dunno know how drastically different Brehs eat compared to bw. Iā€™m curious why bw are so fat.

I did find research about the differences in how each race of women in terms of fat, muscle mass and BMI:

I wish there was a fit/be healthy movement instead of the big booty/get thick craze in our community. Bw have some of the best bodies ever when we get in shape.

if bw in mass got in shapeā€¦ man look.

I can't say for sure, but if I had to guess I'm gonna say diets in the black community overall could use some work for all the known reasons, but as men we just have the benefit of testosterone and more than likely being way more involved in sports in school. So by the time you're out of high school you probably know your way around the weight room at least a little and you're accustomed to exercising whether it's weightlifting or playing pickup basketball or intramural football or whatever, and that just kinda carries throughout their teens/20s/30s. Plus dudes know curls get the girls.

I've been saying forever that if all these women just did some squats and lunges and watched what they ate, the surgeries wouldn't even be necessary. They'd be healthier and happier too, but the fat transfers are easier so it is what it is.

I was the poster who made the comment about not seeing attractive Brehs very often when I go out. I have a manā€”so obviously itā€™s not that rare to see men Iā€™m attracted to. And I admitted that I was exaggerating shyt and talking shyt to prove a point.

whatā€™s crazy is that I didnā€™t bring up hygiene and weight, Brehs did. I was just talking about face card.

Sometimes you gotta stir the pot :ehh::manny::russ:

I do think many of those stats are super disingenuous b/c comparing one group who benefit from racial privilege by every metric, to others who have been systematically tortured by lack of racial privilege just isnā€™t an equivalent match up.
Sure we could sit here and say white men got more money, better credit, and higher marriage rates, less illegitimate children, are healthier, live longer than black male, are incarcerated less, and have the lowest divorce rates! Gee golly! What are those blk men doing wrong? :francis:

NOPE. The factors leading to non-blks having better outcomes than blacks across every metric canā€™t be ignored in the context of the conversation.

Itā€™s not simply a they got more money, letā€™s get a white man because many black women get with white men and become primary breadwinners themselves.

Itā€™s not simply a if black women would lose weight and look better, theyā€™d get a husband b/c many black men wife up overweight AND racist chicks in other cultures and the majority of the U.S. is overweight.

Embedded in the statistics are cultural biases and psychological conditioning that makes us hold non-blks to a different standard than we do our own. Telling black women if theyā€™d just be like non-blk women is disingenuous b/c many in our race have a different set of rules for our own.
ā€œWear your natural hair bw.ā€
But many blacks male and female are embarrassed by the texture and find it unattractive while pretend pandering onlineZ
ā€œBe less sexually uptight like whites chicks bw.ā€ But white hoes routinely get their hoe and harlotry expunged b/c white dudes are deviants and non-blk men put white women on a pedestal. White chicks are crazy sexually promiscuous and get a pass for it. But if a blk chick even twerks in a club, sheā€™s a rachet, hood rat, hoe.

ā€œBe pure and conservative bwā€ But then they get ghosted and left for chicks willing to suck a nut on the first date while those same black chicks trying to be virgins til marriage.

And the double speech happens for black men too.
ā€œI canā€™t date no broke nikka!ā€

:skip: Heard that dude ainā€™t had a job since the 2000s.
And wait until those abuse stats come through from some of these IR relationships. When playing Massa goes wrong.

Iā€™m sorry but for many reasons, we canā€™t co-opt what others do and apply that to our own race. We have to find our own way. And we canā€™t go to other races to escape ourselves either. We literally all we got.

There are definitely some double standards when it comes to what black folks or society in general will accept from us as opposed to other races, that is true.

The double standards and things definitely won't cease to exist but I think there are still things that need to be done to have a greater of number of men and women within the black community that are attractive to each other. And I think we can draw on recognized patterns of general human mating to say that improving resources and fitness/health respectively would improve the current situation, that's where I'm at with it.

Damn shame about Tika though

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
wow.... incredible story here

her poor in vitro daughters don't have a dad :skip:
meanwhile her regular pregnancy son is dead at the hands of his dad :francis:

So let's see. Black woman chooses to fukk with a psychotic bum. Rushes the relationship and has a kid with the nikka

Now after the coward she chose to fukk killed their child she refuses to realize she fukked up in the partner she chose. No instead she goes on a tirade about childrens rights and protecting kids from evil fathers like all men are like that.

This really the hill you want to die on brehette? :comeon:

I honestly feel for those kids being raised by a childish woman with zero accountability for her actions.

The 5 min video is cute. Would love to see the follow up 10 years later to see if shyt is still sweet. When the kids are home getting into who knows what while mom is at work.

Or especially when daughter becomes a teenager who's never had a dad to tell her he loves her or that she's beautiful. so she ends up more likely to have her nose wide open for the first nikka to use those words

Or when junior becomes a teenager too difficult to discipline since he's bigger than her now

I swear some women don't really think shyt all the way thru:snoop:
Jan 24, 2016
So let's see. Black woman chooses to fukk with a psychotic bum. Rushes the relationship and has a kid with the nikka. Now after the coward she chose to fukk killed their child she refuses to realize she fukked up in the partner she chose. No instead she goes on a tirade about childrens rights and protecting kids from evil fathers like all men are like that. This really the hill you want to die on brehette? :comeon:I honestly feel for those kids being raised by a childish woman with zero accountability for her actions. The 5 min video is cute. Would love to see the follow up 10 years later to see if shyt is still sweet. When the kids are home getting into who knows what while mom is at work. Or especially when daughter becomes a teenager who's never had a dad to tell her he loves her or that she's beautiful. so she ends up more likely to have her nose wide open for the first nikka to use those words. Or when junior becomes a teenager too difficult to discipline since he's bigger than her now. I swear some women don't really think shyt all the way thru:snoop:

i just posted an actual factual story that i thought was interesting and is more likely (not necessarily the killing of kids but the domestic violence part, there was a thread on here recently where there was a poll about did your grandad beat your grandma and there was too many stories in the affirmative). another factual story of single motherhood is people like Barack Obama, Lebron James, this 13 year old college student, etc.

you posted a shytload of hypotheticals that can happen to anybody lol. take it in how you want it :yeshrug:
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Aug 17, 2014
If they can afford to take care of the child by themselves then no reason to complain. :yeshrug:


Mar 11, 2022
You know Iā€™ve been really trying to understand the obesity rate in bw. And why itā€™s not only drastically higher than other women but also compared to yā€™all lol. Brehs are obviously in much better compared to brehettes. more of yā€™all work outā€¦ I keep reading articles that say that bw donā€™t want to work out because of their hair.

but outside of exercise, when I think about diet wise I dunno know how drastically different Brehs eat compared to bw. Iā€™m curious why bw are so fat.

I did find research about the differences in how each race of women in terms of fat, muscle mass and BMI:

I wish there was a fit/be healthy movement instead of the big booty/get thick craze in our community. Bw have some of the best bodies ever when we get in shape.

if bw in mass got in shapeā€¦ man look.
Wanted to touch on this as you can go as far as to say the black women figure is dam near the prototype for what people are in the gym HOURS trying to reach. There is alot goin on overall and I have said from a young age that the body that black women naturally have is a gift and curse because from what I saw when we were teens sisters could literally be sedentary, eat whatever like a dude and still look better than most. Those bad habits start catching up in mid 20s but the mindset and even when you reach a stage of "thick" (mind you this range is wide depending on who you ask) you will have family and friends actually encourage it, I have seen slim women told by their family they need to eat more or they too skinny. Once they start working, maybe pop out a child, pounds start piling on, etc it becomes that much harder to get ahead of the issue.

But I swear if you watch 90s and even what was considered thick in the early '00s would be considered skinny nowadays. The perception has been skewed soo much that the word thick has been completely highjacked by sisters who are highly overweight/obese (see swim thick video posted on social media).

Another thing I will add, as bad as social media has been it has actually given more women the ability to see you dont have to be scared of weight lifting, because their favorite influencer showed them the ability to get in shape and not be afraid to step in gym. Been going to gym heavy for close to 15 years and even as recent as 10 years ago, you rarely saw women en mass in the weights section. They would be in gym, maybe on treadmill or machines but over the last couple years the amount of girls getting it in with weights has risen across many gyms I go to. And they coming in with workouts to get that body, heavy squats, deadlifts, lunges, hip thrusters, etc. More white/hispanic I will say overall but I see sisters too but the numbers need to be much higher. I cant be going to a predominately black area gym and its still others there in double the numbers.
Jan 24, 2016
Itā€™s funny how a lot of women canā€™t find and/or maintain a relationship with men but think a child, who is 100x the responsibility and headache than another adult, is going to be any easier to deal with.

i don't think anybody posted it would be "easy" but it's also 100X the reward. all the kids i've dealt with don't give me headaches, i love them 4 life. men... it's hit or miss and then eventually it's just miss lol. we can be friends though :manny:


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
i don't think anybody posted it would be "easy" but it's also 100X the reward. all the kids i've dealt with don't give me headaches, i love them 4 life. men... it's hit or miss and then eventually it's just miss lol. we can be friends though :manny:
I feel you on that but with how hard this economy is getting and hyper inflation itā€™s getting harder and harder to properly raise children with two incomes let alone just one, I know if I didnā€™t have my wife rn I would have given up by like 40 and just sell my belongings and move to france.
Jan 24, 2016
I feel you on that but with how hard this economy is getting and hyper inflation itā€™s getting harder and harder to properly raise children with two incomes let alone just one, I know if I didnā€™t have my wife rn I would have given up by like 40 and just sell my belongings and move to france.

yeah it depends on what you can handle. but like i mentioned earlier ...CONTEXT. the scenario in the OP is woman with the means to do so.

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
I read this article. That says they need to expand the bmi scale for black women to 37 and for men to 32 under the guise that they ā€œdonā€™t see increased mortality ratesā€ until bmi is around this level. This means the avg height woman would be 200-250 pounds before being considered obese. Yet most people once you hit 170-180 depending on height you start getting a gut.


Who Not How

Mar 11, 2022
I read this article. That says they need to expand the bmi scale for black women to 37 and for men to 32 under the guise that they ā€œdonā€™t see increased mortality ratesā€ until bmi is around this level. This means the avg height woman would be 200-250 pounds before being considered obese. Yet most people once you hit 170-180 depending on height you start getting a gut.

Change the rules once the majority of people canā€™t qualify anymore. Just like what the military doing to get more recruits.

Reallly crazy how a 5ā€™4 woman wants to be considered healthy at 170lb or more. These chicks weighing more than some NBA players who are a foot taller.