40+ Successful professional black women are getting in vitro to be "single mothers by choice"

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Momma hit me and yelled at me and I would laugh :mjlol::russ:. I had limits since I love her tho.


Good luck raising a black boy when he becomes 13 years old, become taller than you, and starts LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE when you try to punish him

I remember my mother tried beating me with the belt at 13.... laughed in her face and went back to my video games

Pops came home and BEAT THE SH*T OUTTA ME


All Star
Apr 4, 2017

Good luck raising a black boy when he becomes 13 years old, become taller than you, and starts LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE when you try to punish him

I remember my mother tried beating me with the belt at 13.... laughed in her face and went back to my video games

Pops came home and BEAT THE SH*T OUTTA ME
This happened to me. Father jacked up me and whooped me and yelled in my ear 😭. We need fathers to do what needs to be done and say what needs to be said. Many fathers are disliked by their sons till adulthood when u become peers. Fathers will make you respect your mom.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
A bunch of Jesus kids being produced. If thats what they want to do then more power to them but put aside some money for therapy when they are old enough to understand why they dont have a physical father
Jan 24, 2016
wow.... incredible story here

her poor in vitro daughters don't have a dad :skip:
meanwhile her regular pregnancy son is dead at the hands of his dad :francis:
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Dec 3, 2013
shyt is rough if you dont already have someone in some capacity. I see whats out there these days I just shake my head sometimes and feel bad for everyone involved. Im in a situationship thats been off and on for years but it works. Or it had worked but now she wants more because shes 30 and that clock hitting her. Ive been able to slide in and slide out oat my discretion and every time, what I see out there gets worse and worse. Maybe I give her what she wants and sit my ass down, maybe I dont. But its definitely not because theres a plethora of great women at every turn to choose from.

TLDR: Slim pickings.
What’s stopping you from sitting down with the chick if y’all been rocking for years? :jbhmm:

*edit* I see you said she was 30, so I guess you think she may think you’re the parachute pull?


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Black women are the most obese demographic in America :yeshrug:

It's not "hate" or shame or any that, it's just truth, it's numbers :yeshrug:

And by comparison, black men are just significantly less likely to be obese :yeshrug:

So if being fat is apparently the reason that said poster isn't finding eligible black men, just imagine what's it's like for the black men out here trying to find eligible black women :francis:

Just some factual information to add in the midst of all these interesting theories
Whats even crazier is it be the fit ones that act like they’re beneath you…

But I do need to hit the ab roller though :francis:


All Star
Nov 22, 2016
But when you post black male mortality rates, suicide rates, health disparities, incarceration rates it becomes just as sobering as the pickle black women are in…only…get this…with only 88 blk men for every 100 blk women.

We can’t even get to collective problems until we literally reach parity in numbers. Homicide, early death, suicide, incarceration of blk men as a result of white supremacy has dramatically changed the landscape for dating.

I’m not even disaggregate data into the quality of the black men available. Whether they are unhealthy or obese or gay or unemployed or have self-hate or are living with parents as adult. We not even going there. Neither are we talking about blk women debt and thug love or obesity.

We literally underscoring the idea that in major cities that are black hubs, in colleges where most women in other races find their mates…in the places people would normally link up…black women outnumber black men by a 100:88 ratio.

Which is why I said time and time again that black women aren’t perfect. But even if they were, these disparities aren’t going anywhere.
68% of people surveyed responded that they met their significant other through friends. Many of those social circles are formed in school, universities, large metro areas. Areas where black women outnumber black men in statistically significant numbers.

Asian women outnumber asian men in America by a similar amount but they're still the most married demographic in the country :yeshrug:

I mean, based on the data that was kindly provided by @CarmelBarbie (LINK), there are significantly fewer white men with bachelor's degrees as compared to white women, at a rate that mirrors the black community. 29% vs 37% for white people (22% of college white women without a similarly educated equal) and 16% vs 23% for black men (~30% of college black women without a similarly educated equal). Yet white women are still married at a higher rate and are having out of wedlock births at a far lower rate. Hispanic males are also underrepresented in colleges compared to their women but again, still higher marriage rates and lower out of wedlock births.

Not to mention the fact that college education is increasingly looked at as overpriced and not being useful. And nowadays you have everything from blue collar workers to programmers with no university experience making six figures a year.

Again, I think the issue with these 40 yo black single in-vitro candidates clearly goes past university numbers. Will getting more black men into college help marriage and birth rates in the black community? I believe so, it definitely couldn't hurt if they're being funneled into the right majors (more higher earning STEM careers, less liberal arts). But is it the prime reason that black women are currently the least married and most divorced? Based on the numbers and the comparisons amongst races, I don't believe that to be true.

This is true. But black men are the least married men and have the highest divorce rate regardless of who they marry too.

This is an old study, but research does show what books is talking about is true to an extent it is a numbers game—

Where as black women are the most obese, which certainly makes it difficult to find a partner(as men seek women who they are attracted to and who are healthy, youthful and make good partners), black men have the highest unemployment rate which makes it difficult to be a stable partner and provide for a family and that is what women are looking for:

Once we get into the tit for tat we start to see issues in both groups and why marriage rates are low across both groups. Now if bw are the problem Brehs could just marry out more, but breh’s marriage rate is low across the board.

We also have the highest rate of single parent homes. Even on this forum there are single dads who aren’t with their child’s mother and vice versus. There are many issues at play and it’s not just on one side.



And black women aren't "the problem" in the black community, there are tons of reasons for the dysfunction of the black community and some of those reasons definitely rest on the shoulders of black men as well as black women. But I say that to say, there are so many narratives around these older educated single black women that suggests that the primary reason for their predicament is that "there just aren't enough good black men out there" for an assortment of reasons, but they tend to completely sidestep any level of responsibility for said women.

I mean let's recap this. Essentially all races of women are currently overrepresented in colleges as compared to their men at the current time. And Asian women in particular have a similar disparity in population size to to their men as black women do, but they're the least obese population in America, the most intermarried, and the most married overall.

I mean now of course race plays a part in all that in America, but it does seem like other groups of women have figured out a way to win that doesn't involve becoming test tube single mothers :yeshrug:

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
What’s stopping you from sitting down with the chick if y’all been rocking for years? :jbhmm:

*edit* I see you said she was 30, so I guess you think she may think you’re the parachute pull?
I really couldnt tell you man. And thats reason enough not to imo. If its time, then youd know. Im not an attached person and I have no interest investing in anyone in particular but if I did, it would be her but she and I have baggage with eachother so its off putting for both of us at times.


Feb 12, 2015
Asian women outnumber asian men in America by a similar amount but they're still the most married demographic in the country :yeshrug:

I mean, based on the data that was kindly provided by @CarmelBarbie (LINK), there are significantly fewer white men with bachelor's degrees as compared to white women, at a rate that mirrors the black community. 29% vs 37% for white people (22% of college white women without a similarly educated equal) and 16% vs 23% for black men (~30% of college black women without a similarly educated equal). Yet white women are still married at a higher rate and are having out of wedlock births at a far lower rate. Hispanic males are also underrepresented in colleges compared to their women but again, still higher marriage rates and lower out of wedlock births.

Not to mention the fact that college education is increasingly looked at as overpriced and not being useful. And nowadays you have everything from blue collar workers to programmers with no university experience making six figures a year.

Again, I think the issue with these 40 yo black single in-vitro candidates clearly goes past university numbers. Will getting more black men into college help marriage and birth rates in the black community? I believe so, it definitely couldn't hurt if they're being funneled into the right majors (more higher earning STEM careers, less liberal arts). But is it the prime reason that black women are currently the least married and most divorced? Based on the numbers and the comparisons amongst races, I don't believe that to be true.



And black women aren't "the problem" in the black community, there are tons of reasons for the dysfunction of the black community and some of those reasons definitely rest on the shoulders of black men as well as black women. But I say that to say, there are so many narratives around these older educated single black women that suggests that the primary reason for their predicament is that "there just aren't enough good black men out there" for an assortment of reasons, but they tend to completely sidestep any level of responsibility for said women.

I mean let's recap this. Essentially all races of women are currently overrepresented in colleges as compared to their men at the current time. And Asian women in particular have a similar disparity in population size to to their men as black women do, but they're the least obese population in America, the most intermarried, and the most married overall.

I mean now of course race plays a part in all that in America, but it does seem like other groups of women have figured out a way to win that doesn't involve becoming test tube single mothers :yeshrug:
Comparing our race to Asian and whites with the privileges, generational wealth, social currency and other factors:deadrose:
I’m sorry, it’s just not an apple to apple comparison. Also Asian women date out and marry out at high rates. While it’s the opposite in our race. If we were to compare black male statistics to white male statistics by any metric, it would be just as disingenuous as a comparison when we take into context historical precedents and major factors impacting blks in our country.
Just the idea that any of this is comparable is :mjlol:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Asian women outnumber asian men in America by a similar amount but they're still the most married demographic in the country :yeshrug:

I mean, based on the data that was kindly provided by @CarmelBarbie (LINK), there are significantly fewer white men with bachelor's degrees as compared to white women, at a rate that mirrors the black community. 29% vs 37% for white people (22% of college white women without a similarly educated equal) and 16% vs 23% for black men (~30% of college black women without a similarly educated equal). Yet white women are still married at a higher rate and are having out of wedlock births at a far lower rate. Hispanic males are also underrepresented in colleges compared to their women but again, still higher marriage rates and lower out of wedlock births.

Not to mention the fact that college education is increasingly looked at as overpriced and not being useful. And nowadays you have everything from blue collar workers to programmers with no university experience making six figures a year.

Again, I think the issue with these 40 yo black single in-vitro candidates clearly goes past university numbers. Will getting more black men into college help marriage and birth rates in the black community? I believe so, it definitely couldn't hurt if they're being funneled into the right majors (more higher earning STEM careers, less liberal arts). But is it the prime reason that black women are currently the least married and most divorced? Based on the numbers and the comparisons amongst races, I don't believe that to be true.



And black women aren't "the problem" in the black community, there are tons of reasons for the dysfunction of the black community and some of those reasons definitely rest on the shoulders of black men as well as black women. But I say that to say, there are so many narratives around these older educated single black women that suggests that the primary reason for their predicament is that "there just aren't enough good black men out there" for an assortment of reasons, but they tend to completely sidestep any level of responsibility for said women.

I mean let's recap this. Essentially all races of women are currently overrepresented in colleges as compared to their men at the current time. And Asian women in particular have a similar disparity in population size to to their men as black women do, but they're the least obese population in America, the most intermarried, and the most married overall.

I mean now of course race plays a part in all that in America, but it does seem like other groups of women have figured out a way to win that doesn't involve becoming test tube single mothers :yeshrug:
Right, but I think you misunderstood me, I’m talking about your overall marriage rate. Even with IR marriages the marriage rate for Brehs remains to be the lowest rate of all male groups. Also the highest divorce rate:


There are still more bw who have ever been married compared to Brehs. So clearly the IR marriages alone aren’t happening on a high enough level to demonstrate that most of you value marriage with any women (whether y’all don’t marry bw or not, y’all aren’t marrying others in high numbers either). Neither Brehs or brehettes get married in high numbers. That’s really my point, because if we concede that bw aren’t marriage material due to everything you mentioned to Books, that’s fine and that explains why Brehs aren’t marrying bw. But there’s nothing stopping more Brehs from proposing to nonblack women in higher numbers.

Why is the marriage rate for Brehs still one of the lowest of all men? Men do the proposing…


There’s an overall issue with marriage in our community on both sides. And there’s a lot of finger pointing going on. On this site the pointing is at bw. And according to y’all on LSA the finger is pointing to Brehs. No one is really acknowledging that clearly both groups are not as great as they proclaim.

But I think we all recognize that our community is so fukked up that the few who are good candidates for marriage are at a disadvantage and are struggling to easily fish out their black counterpart in a sea of dysfunction.

The bw who can’t find the men they want to have families with are choosing an alternative route. Whether we agree or disagree with it, it’s out of our hands. There’s literally nothing you or I or anyone here can do. You only have control over the decisions you make in your own life.
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