4 Presidents-WTF?!! Why Ya’ll Ain’t Tell Me?!

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
"We came, we saw, he died" - - Hillarry Clinton, US Secretary of State

Killing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it-Madeline Albright US Secretary of State

This is the satanic filth you're dealing with

I'm wild confused by anyone who doesn't realize that Clintons were horrific evil when it came to foreign policy.

Hillary Clinton called up Henry Kissinger on the regular to get advice. :snoop:


Mar 3, 2015
Woodrow Wilson sold his soul, only to realize what a mistake he made by passing the Federal Reserve Act :wow:

In his speech he stated that he was an unhappy man doing that, and that he ruined the country

Most don't know that the Civil War was caused by the banks (Red Shield), they wanted American to be divided, and that they wanted the South to win, but Russia (who at the time didn't have a Central Bank) stepped in and Saved the North, but Russia paid a heavy price by allowing the South to lose.
I can't remember the guy name who stepped in from Russia but he knew what the banks were trying to do with America, He sent ships to Abe and told France and England who had ships ready to defeat the North not to get involved or they would go the war with them, I can't recall that dude's name, but after the war, he died, but his family and other Russians paid a heavy price, I think they were slaughtered

Deeper than Rap
Yep I watched a YouTube video some ages ago about how all wars were started by bankers I’ll try to find it. Very informative and touched on a lot of topics you spoke on. I have to che k my computer .. we use phones to much these days I love the days of sitting at my desktop to get shyt done

WOW I found it check this out BREHS

thank me later


Mar 3, 2015
History is full of lies and fake. Up is down and Down is up.

What’s this bruh someone explain :ohhh: I know it’s Africa but explain


Mar 3, 2015
Tsar Nicholas II, he was the king of Russia. The satanic Bolsheviks butchered him, raped and murdered his wife and young daughters.


"Fun" fact: The psychotic Bolsheviks and the 1917 revolution was financed by Wall Street bankers led by Jacob Schiff.

The Bolsheviks then took over, slaughtered an estimated 200,000 Russians "Red Terror", banned Christianity and installed Communism.

Fun fact no. 2: Tsar Nicholas II bodyguards were Black soldiers of the elite Abyssinian Guard. One of them was African American Jim Hercules.


Where u get those photos BREH. Yep I read on Nicholas I couldn’t think of his name of top it’s savage what they did to his family. Think some were buried alive


Mar 3, 2015
Iraq and Libya as well. Iraq was actually prospering under saddam not denouncing any of his fukk shyt, but they were basically a first world country and was controlling the sell of their own oil reserves cutting out the bankers, before America fukked it up because of “weapons of mass destruction” that were never found.

Libya was trying to Unite Africa under one currency tied to gold and natural resources which Africa has an abundance of and essentially kick the banksters out, well we all see what happened the president was murdered and his dead body shown for the whole world to see.
Facts suck shyt man. World to see both. They publically killed muamar gadaffi and sadaam Hussein by hanging.. Tupac was really a GOAT by naming his OUTLAW members of America’s enemy’s who refuse to CONFORM. Atleast they died for a CAUSE . You can’t beat the house unfortunately . Gold dinar was to back the dollar in Africa. And muamar gadaffi was amazing to his people interest free loans etc check all the facts about live while he was ruling.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
G. Edward Griffin (born November 7, 1931) is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health care interests. In his book World Without Cancer, he argued in favor of a pseudo-scientific theory that asserted cancer to be a nutritional deficiency curable by consuming amygdalin.[2][3][4] He is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994),[2] which advances debunked conspiracy theories[5] about the Federal Reserve System. He is an HIV/AIDS denialist, supports the 9/11 Truth movement, and supports a specific John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory.[2] He also believes that the Biblical Noah's Ark is located at the Durupınar site in Turkey.[6]


In May 2009, Griffin helped Robert L. Schulz and Edwin Vieira organize a meeting at Jekyll Island of thirty people which, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, included "radical tax protesters, militiamen, nativist extremists, anti-Obama 'birthers,' hard-line libertarians, conspiracy-minded individuals with theories about secret government concentration camps, even a raging anti-Semite named Edgar Steele."[16] Speakers at the meeting "warned of 'increasing national instability,' worried about a coming 'New World Order', denounced secret schemes to merge Canada, Mexico and the United States, and furiously attacked the new president's 'socialized' policies and failure to end illegal immigration", and attendees made plans for a "continental congress" that occurred in November 2009 that was hosted by the We the People Foundation.[16] Griffin was the first to speak at the Jekyll Island meeting and he "told conferees that merely putting 'large numbers of people in the street' was not enough. 'We must,' he said, 'achieve power.'"[16]

He founded an organization called "Freedom Force International" that put on conventions, like a "Red Pill Expo" in Bozeman, Montana, in 2017 which, according to the local newspaper, "its organizers say, promotes freedom of choice, (but) has been criticized by human rights proponents as an “alt-right” recruiting attempt."[17]


wtf? So should facts be disregarded because the messenger had shytty political beliefs?
Oct 25, 2014
ur late but bruhs on this site dont care,to them this is all hotep

money in theory is worthless but:yeshrug: these folks print money outta thin air it is in essence worthless, not backed by anything

study the 08 collapse, there is a reason why bankers get protected above everyone

Yep this system is built to create inequality m it is rotten to the core!

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Woodrow Wilson sold his soul, only to realize what a mistake he made by passing the Federal Reserve Act :wow:

In his speech he stated that he was an unhappy man doing that, and that he ruined the country

Most don't know that the Civil War was caused by the banks (Red Shield), they wanted American to be divided, and that they wanted the South to win, but Russia (who at the time didn't have a Central Bank) stepped in and Saved the North, but Russia paid a heavy price by allowing the South to lose.
I can't remember the guy name who stepped in from Russia but he knew what the banks were trying to do with America, He sent ships to Abe and told France and England who had ships ready to defeat the North not to get involved or they would go the war with them, I can't recall that dude's name, but after the war, he died, but his family and other Russians paid a heavy price, I think they were slaughtered

Deeper than Rap

Tsar Nicholas II, he was the king of Russia. The satanic Bolsheviks butchered him, raped and murdered his wife and young daughters.


"Fun" fact: The psychotic Bolsheviks and the 1917 revolution was financed by Wall Street bankers led by Jacob Schiff.

The Bolsheviks then took over, slaughtered an estimated 200,000 Russians "Red Terror", banned Christianity and installed Communism.

Fun fact no. 2: Tsar Nicholas II bodyguards were Black soldiers of the elite Abyssinian Guard. One of them was African American Jim Hercules.



Jews raped and killed that man's whole family.
Nicholas was born in 1868. It had to be his grandfather Alexander II.

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
Former Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager.

1) Federal reserve is not owned by anyone!

The federal reserve has board members of different banks which are true, but they are not owned by anyone. Banks receive money from the federal banks at low-interest rates and are suppose to lend out to people or institutions.

A lot of what you wrote is incomplete and wayyyyy more nuanced than that. It's called federal fractional centralized banking. It is the current model and model that we use in capitalism. And it's the only way we have been able to grow at a fast past the only reason why your typing on that fancy phone or computer connected to the Internet. The creation of surplus credit and debt at a fast pace. Excess capital is created so it can be loaned out but the flip side of that is sometimes too much capital is created and bad loans happen and you get 08 in America or Japan in the 1980 -1990s.

There is no grand conspiracy to steal money from people. The masses have never had money or wealth to steal from period! To be honest no other time in history has capital been so cheap and plentiful.

3) The purpose of the federal reserve is to be the lender of last resort! You dont want to be around a place that has bank runs. Banks dont have to keep all deposits on hand and since they dont have to do that there needs to be a lender of the last resorts. The exact reason why the gold standard has failed and will fail again. Bank runs! To save the economy when instability arises.

4) To answer the other silliest being typed in this thread. The federal has destroyed the dollar yes and no!

The American dollar is the reserve currency. Just like anything else in the world the more of something there is the less value it holds. America has to print dollars for other countries to use as a medium of exchange.

The dollar is the world's medium of exchange.

The only thing the fed is guilty of is incompetence and it's not entirely their fault they are using an outdated framework to analyze and solve problems.

Picture capitalism like an iPhone, the phone is the hardware which is like banks, businesses etc. but new businesses arise and create different problems so a software update is needed another OS to solve the problem. The Fed is using an old iPhone and old OS it doesn't work in this climate. All countries with central banks are facing this problem. So it's not their fault entirely. This is why we removed older standards, ie the gold standard or why we have new problems like zero-interest bonds.

5) if you're looking for a conspiracy-lite, it would be the BIS.( Bank of International Settlements) The central banks of all central banks. Can't recall ever seeing a direct list of all its 60 bank members and showing how they interact and the deals they arrange. But those are sovereign nations so some level of secrets needs to happen.

6) Dont take anyone's word here as information do your research! These explanations are as laymen as I can get without writing essays.

World Bank vs Bank of International Settlements which holds more power in your opinion.