4 Presidents-WTF?!! Why Ya’ll Ain’t Tell Me?!

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
I’ve heard rumors of homosexual casting couches with the rich and powerful too. When you see shyt like Epstein going down, how can you not keep an open mind to the possibility that there’s all kinds of shyt going on behind the scenes when money is in the equation.
epstein worked for the jooish state, blackmailing the rich and powerful with illegaal decadence, human sex slaves, and the like. keep politicians in line.

something about the main families...you know that bilderburg group is not the most powerful group, they answer to the guys (families) who run the federal reserve.

you notice their agendas always seem to involve subjugating black people... transatlantic slave trade, (bankrolled by the same families)

wars with arab states that oppose the israeli state (bankrolled by the same families)

it's too much fukkery afoot in the world. it's best to find your lane protect your family and stay out the way.:francis:


Jan 3, 2017
Exactly my nikka, we are deff at war

The European's motive was to pervert every aspect of African culture

The word N*gger comes from the Negu used in Ancient Kemet, and Nagas, the cosmic serpent

So the Spanish Crown being dominated by the Moors decided that Europe was becoming "Too brown". They began to slaughter all the black people in Europe and set forth to destroy all Black civilizations across the world. Columbus sailing to America was a sanctioned expedition authorized by the Crown to survey and proclaim domination on the Black Native Americans that already inhabited America. Columbus had Black Sea navigators to help him on the voyage. Look up "Black Conquistadors"

Spanish Inquisition was also the first instance in history where a group was targeted solely on skin color, the origin of modern racism. Notice how the expeditions by the Europeans to America and the expeditions to Africa are around the same time periods

The American Constitution also has coded language that Black people are property by law. So that is why they are "legally" allowed to treat us like 2nd class citizens
Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492 which coincidentally is the year that Amazighs (Moors) were driven out of the Emirate of Spain after 700 years.

King Kai

Mar 18, 2014
I mean...this is all public knowledge, easily found in most history books, so I’m not really blowing the lid off anything new....so they shouldn’t be too shook or anything.:yeshrug:



The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492 which coincidentally is the year that Amazighs (Moors) were driven out of the Emirate of Spain after 700 years.
Don’t we celebrate thanksgiving because it comes from Spain driving the moors out


Jan 28, 2013
Who are they?:picard:Obviously I’ve heard the name before but da fukk did they come to own the entire WORLD’s wealth?
Where’s ancestry.com when you need it?! Da hell did these people come from?!

How you just go to Starbucks one day, sit down with some homies and decide to take over the world?

Rothschild. Name literally means red shield. Back in Germany people didn’t have numbers on their house but an insignia that let people know who the house belonged to, and there’s was a red shield in front of theirs. Mayer Rothschild was the son of a small trader. His father wasn’t that rich but Mayer grew up to be an antiquities dealer who became a banker. He realized he made more money loaning or giving credit to his customers than from selling any actual product. Later on, he made a fortune in the French Revolution. Mayer Rothschild had five sons. The most prominent of them was Nathan but all of them were similarly powerful and connected. Mayer sent each son to set up lending operations in various European capitals. Paris. London. Vienna. Naples. Frankfurt. They started banking empires in each of those cities, financed monarchies, speculated on gold, sold weapons and bet on both sides of every war, most notably the Napoleonic Wars. Over time you had five brothers who were richer than Jeff Bezos combined within one family (probably richer), and once they had children and grandchildren, and intermarried with the local nobles and other rich families, and grew more powerful in those five places, they essentially had a stranglehold over much of Western Europe. Some of the five branches have died out but, the rest are still around as well as the money :sas2:


Jan 28, 2013
One of the biggest flaws of these conspiracy theories is that they always assume the random person doing youtube research somehow knows more about how all this shyt works than the President of the United States did.

We're supposed to believe that JFK did that shyt not knowing they would kill him for it, but some random person can figure it out based off a bunch of vague half-assed theories? That JFK knew less about how government really works than the youtuber did?

Keep in mind we have the Internet. You have more readily accessible information in your palm than the most brightest would’ve had a hundred years ago. We’re all sharing information even though we’re all across the country, back then you just had books and people in your city. I can’t speculate on what JFK knew or didn’t know but I know it was easier for dark money groups to operate back then.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Iraq and Libya as well. Iraq was actually prospering under saddam not denouncing any of his fukk shyt, but they were basically a first world country and was controlling the sell of their own oil reserves cutting out the bankers, before America fukked it up because of “weapons of mass destruction” that were never found.

Libya was trying to Unite Africa under one currency tied to gold and natural resources which Africa has an abundance of and essentially kick the banksters out, well we all see what happened the president was murdered and his dead body shown for the whole world to see.
This. He wanted to get rid of American dollars as the reserve currency and replace it with a gold standard currently like we had before the federal reserve.
I don’t usually get into conspiracy theories but when I saw how they handled ghadaffi and Libya i knew 100% what it was about. He went from a person relatively unknown to most Americans to public enemy #1 almost overnight and soon as they had him killed you didnt hear a word about Libya. I never seen anything like that. When has America directly intervened in any country like that ever before? They showed his dead body being dragged through the streets with a bullet hole in his head on major news platforms like it he was an example and a lesson.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
G. Edward Griffin (born November 7, 1931) is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health care interests. In his book World Without Cancer, he argued in favor of a pseudo-scientific theory that asserted cancer to be a nutritional deficiency curable by consuming amygdalin.[2][3][4] He is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994),[2] which advances debunked conspiracy theories[5] about the Federal Reserve System. He is an HIV/AIDS denialist, supports the 9/11 Truth movement, and supports a specific John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory.[2] He also believes that the Biblical Noah's Ark is located at the Durupınar site in Turkey.[6]


In May 2009, Griffin helped Robert L. Schulz and Edwin Vieira organize a meeting at Jekyll Island of thirty people which, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, included "radical tax protesters, militiamen, nativist extremists, anti-Obama 'birthers,' hard-line libertarians, conspiracy-minded individuals with theories about secret government concentration camps, even a raging anti-Semite named Edgar Steele."[16] Speakers at the meeting "warned of 'increasing national instability,' worried about a coming 'New World Order', denounced secret schemes to merge Canada, Mexico and the United States, and furiously attacked the new president's 'socialized' policies and failure to end illegal immigration", and attendees made plans for a "continental congress" that occurred in November 2009 that was hosted by the We the People Foundation.[16] Griffin was the first to speak at the Jekyll Island meeting and he "told conferees that merely putting 'large numbers of people in the street' was not enough. 'We must,' he said, 'achieve power.'"[16]

He founded an organization called "Freedom Force International" that put on conventions, like a "Red Pill Expo" in Bozeman, Montana, in 2017 which, according to the local newspaper, "its organizers say, promotes freedom of choice, (but) has been criticized by human rights proponents as an “alt-right” recruiting attempt."[17]

Idk why you copy and pasted this like the author matters more than the data. The dollar has lost over 90% percent of its value since the creation of the federal reserve. National and personal debt has skyrocketed. We get recessions and bailouts every 10 years that get exponentially bigger and bigger. I’m not even 30 and in my lifetime we’ve had the dot.com bubble, mortgage crisis, savings and loan crisis, the Great Recession etc. With each time a bigger and bigger bailout. We printed and spent TRILLIONS of dollar literally overnight since this pandemic started while we only got >1 billion in direct cash payments. What do you think happens to our purchasing power due to inflation after that? The entire book contains factual information and data to which the author provides his sources for you to verify.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Keep in mind we have the Internet. You have more readily accessible information in your palm than the most brightest would’ve had a hundred years ago. We’re all sharing information even though we’re all across the country, back then you just had books and people in your city. I can’t speculate on what JFK knew or didn’t know but I know it was easier for dark money groups to operate back then.
Nah man, the people making up this shyt don't know more about how the Fed works than the fukking Kennedys do. They're not even using hard facts to underlie their research, most of it is conjecture and online rumors more than anything else.

They can't keep saying that the Kennedys are all deeply connected to power, that the elite know far all sorts of deep shyt about how the world really runs that they're not telling the rest of us, and yet that JFK didn't know who ran the Fed and didn't know what the consequences were for going at them. The suspension of disbelief required is too much.

I don’t usually get into conspiracy theories but when I saw how they handled ghadaffi and Libya i knew 100% what it was about. He went from a person relatively unknown to most Americans to public enemy #1 almost overnight and soon as they had him killed you didnt hear a word about Libya. I never seen anything like that. When has America directly intervened in any country like that ever before? They showed his dead body being dragged through the streets with a bullet hole in his head on major news platforms like it he was an example and a lesson.

You mean that question seriously breh?

USA has invaded dozens of countries around the world and overthrown many of their leaders: FROM WOUNDED KNEE TO SYRIA – Zoltán Grossman

I mean, we had just fukking done that shyt to Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Mohammed Omar in Afghanistan. In my lifetime just before that I remember us getting leaders out of the cut in Haiti, Serbia, Panama, and Grenada. So that's 7 examples just in the last 40 years.

And we could get into how there was actually a civil war in Libya first then followed by a NATO intervention, and that Libya has been all over the news repeatedly since then, but I'm starting to feel we need to be much broader in this thread.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Idk why you copy and pasted this like the author matters more than the data. The dollar has lost over 90% percent of its value since the creation of the federal reserve. National and personal debt has skyrocketed. We get recessions and bailouts every 10 years that get exponentially bigger and bigger. I’m not even 30 and in my lifetime we’ve had the dot.com bubble, mortgage crisis, savings and loan crisis, the Great Recession etc. With each time a bigger and bigger bailout. We printed and spent TRILLIONS of dollar literally overnight since this pandemic started while we only got >1 billion in direct cash payments. What do you think happens to our purchasing power due to inflation after that? The entire book contains factual information and data to which the author provides his sources for you to verify.
Explanations for debt, recessions, bailout, etc. are pretty simple without needing any sort of conspiracy theory. I've repeatedly posted the predictions of Silvio Gesell on here, who noted the fundamental issues with our interest-based economy before the Federal Reserve was even created.

And your numbers are way off. Over $400 billion was given to Americans in direct cash payments. Even more was given directly to Americans via unemployment increases and PPP loans. Not that it's really relevant - it's easy to see how rich people have always gamed the system to increase the wealth disparity. But you can see that through the open, obvious shyt that's down every day.

I'm convinced that the rich people who run Wall Street and government enjoy it when these conspiracy theories are spread, because it keeps people focused chasing ghosts rather than trying to change the actual system operating right before their eyes.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Nah man, the people making up this shyt don't know more about how the Fed works than the fukking Kennedys do. They're not even using hard facts to underlie their research, most of it is conjecture and online rumors more than anything else.

They can't keep saying that the Kennedys are all deeply connected to power, that the elite know far all sorts of deep shyt about how the world really runs that they're not telling the rest of us, and yet that JFK didn't know who ran the Fed and didn't know what the consequences were for going at them. The suspension of disbelief required is too much.


You mean that question seriously breh?

USA has invaded dozens of countries around the world and overthrown many of their leaders: FROM WOUNDED KNEE TO SYRIA – Zoltán Grossman

I mean, we had just fukking done that shyt to Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Mohammed Omar in Afghanistan. In my lifetime just before that I remember us getting leaders out of the cut in Haiti, Serbia, Panama, and Grenada. So that's 7 examples just in the last 40 years.

And we could get into how there was actually a civil war in Libya first then followed by a NATO intervention, and that Libya has been all over the news repeatedly since then, but I'm starting to feel we need to be much broader in this thread.
All of the examples such as Afghanistan and Iraq the United States had some type of economic/American interest in or previous interaction to warrant the intervention. I’m not going to go through each example one by one but take Grenada for instance, we had Americans living on the island and they also didn’t want communism spreading throughout the rest of the carribean. Libya had a civil war and America literally got involved and had ghadaffi directly killed almost overnight. Even Obama said his greatest regret was how he handled Libya.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Don’t we celebrate thanksgiving because it comes from Spain driving the moors out
There's been various "Thanksgivings" all throughout history and they were already holidays in many states, but as a federal government holiday we first celebrated it cause Abraham Lincoln wanted something to bring Americans together and remember that not everything was completely shytty in the middle of the Civil War.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Explanations for debt, recessions, bailout, etc. are pretty simple without needing any sort of conspiracy theory. I've repeatedly posted the predictions of Silvio Gesell on here, who noted the fundamental issues with our interest-based economy before the Federal Reserve was even created.

And your numbers are way off. Over $400 billion was given to Americans in direct cash payments.
Even more was given directly to Americans via unemployment increases and PPP loans. Not that it's really relevant - it's easy to see how rich people have always gamed the system to increase the wealth disparity. But you can see that through the open, obvious shyt that's down every day.

I'm convinced that the rich people who run Wall Street and government enjoy it when these conspiracy theories are spread, because it keeps people focused chasing ghosts rather than trying to change the actual system operating right before their eyes.
What conspiracy theory are you referring to? And that’s the whole point of my post, you don’t have to believe in any conspiracy theory when you have verifiable data such as the rate of inflation or the loss of purchasing power of the dollar or the increasing cost of bailouts. The book does a great job of breaking down our financial system with or without conspiracy theories.
That was a typo you should be able to see the context i meant to say we spent less than 1 billion on direct cash payments but spent trillions meaning the rest is money printed out of thin air via loans