Anyone know the opening song for the Dream/Bro video package?
This match is why I hate most of wrestling now
So many moves amount to nothing
These guys don’t sell
The simplest shyt should hurt
So many dumb, convoluted set ups
Reliance on leg slapping
Yet you refuse to actually watch the stuff that would suit your tastes I give up on trying to show you how Strong Big Japan is the answer to your problems
the crowd was rabid the entire time and this dude is nitpicking the specifics of the fake fighting mechanics
WWE main event style is the tried and true thing
Billie Eilish "You Should See Me In A Crown"Anyone know the opening song for the Dream/Bro video package?
While Ricochet and Black got an actual send off, I have to imagine TUE is getting called up as well, what with Cole losing AGAIN ( ) and the others 3 being relegated to Axxess and Evolve loaners, then Johnny vanquishing the entire group by himself. I definitely fear for them on the main roster, and I fear for NXT trying to replace them with like...The Forgotten Sons or some shyt.