I don't understand dudes who are Baron Corbin fans.... nothing about him is impressive.... and his promos aren't really promos, they are just shoots of his entitlement because he really does think he's the most talented dude in NXT...when in reality he's bottom tier in NXT in terms of talent.
...because he's actually one of the few guys from
developmental (or what is SUPPOSED to be developmental) that has actually
In a place where they're constantly signing guys from the indies that have already been established on the scene for years and have tons of experience, he's a big former NFL player with a unique look that had nothing more going for him than the fact that he's big and an athlete. That's EASY to shyt on when you're expecting every guy in NXT to be some indy star when we forget that it's
Dude went from looking intimidating, but being a bit bland outside of having a CRAZY dope finisher and having 20 second squash matches, to actually developing a personality and slowly making an effort to improve in the ring. Went from just

to actually making himself a worker that gets heat.
If you really think about it, he's EXACTLY what main roster fans want Roman to be. Stay woke.