Show alright. Nothing really blew me away much. What really got me like

was Ryder winning the IC title. Was a nice little victory for the dude, and I really can't complain about it. They fukked him over something MAJOR in 2011/2012 and this kinda makes up for it. Booking was just very poor. Dean's match should have been more ruthless. The wired bat was not used at all which made LSDean look like

I at least wanted to see Ambrose give Lesnar everything he could dish out until Brock just started beating his ass till the refs had to stop the match. But it just ended up being 1 F5 and a L for Dean.
AJ losing was lol wut?
Sasha not going over was also weird, but it was the best match of the night, I guess.
New Day losing to LON was a perfect example of politics. LON shouldn't even have been facing New Day. You have Baron Corbin win the battle royal out of nowhere and Sami in a ladder match, but you couldn't have Enzo and Cass face New Day when New Day were still heels?
Taker vs Shane was alright, but it seems like it was just a filler match. Cokeboy jr. just out here helping his father in the crises of injuries for the mania.
HHH vs Roman was a solid match, but we already know Roman just ain't working at this point. I would like to think there is a bigger picture to all of this, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when Seth Rollins returns.
the booking really made this MANIA meh.