Caught everything from Shane/Taker on
Shane wearing them custom made Jordan 30's from Tinker
Rock gets turned on by the thought of fans making Wrestlemania babies
Corny segment aside the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and him clowning the Wyatts .

I was surprised

Good DDP got eliminated early. I was afraid with his recent health problems that he was going to die in that ring. But you can't be in Dallas.... errrr Dallas Fort Worth without Diamond Dallas Page .
I don't know who won the longest ring entrance: The Rock or The Undertaker
Shane put the company on his back during his match
HHH trying to steal the show with his yearly over the top, entrance
Steph belonged in a early 80's Heavy Metal music video
That final match was
Two more minutes I would've fell asleep.
I need to watch the replay to see the matches I missed for a final verdict.
Overall so far, it wasn't great, but better than I thought it would be.