Berniewood Hogan
4cac Nazis are posing as "Bernie Bros" on Twitter to help drive the narrative that Bernard's Brotherhood are bad. Liberals are falling for it, of course.
This post is so dumb.
Bernie isn’t feigning a maximalist position. He has always negotiated. The argument is where you start that negotiation. Also missing in your analysis is that any politician would have to do this but Warren’s plans are passed off as gospel and how she will do things. That’s not the case. The boldness of the Sanders and Warren campaigns is in where they want to start the debate, not where it will end.The poster asked why she hasn't dropped her own healthcare plan and I gave him the reason, which is the same as her climate proposal. Whether or not you feel she's as strong as an advocate as Sanders is irrelevant to that point.
She's already the had the option to do Medicare for America, a Biden plan, or a Harris plan, but she's decided to stick with and defend M4A. If the point you're attempting to convey is that she's still open to things similar to the aforementioned plans, then okay and so is Sanders. Dude voted for the Crime Bill and is bullish on the filibuster, people pretending he's an ideologue and not a politician will always be amusing to me. Feigning the maximalist position doesn't mean you won't be bargained down. I guess it's time to start bursting some bubbles.
You are all aware that a 2021 M4A bill probably isn't getting out of the House clean and definitely wouldn't get out of the Senate clean.
When jackasses like Joe Lieberman fought against the ACA there were no true alternatives other than weakening it given the amount of political capital already expended. Most Dem Senators won't support M4A with other "viable" options on the table and most of the states we need to gain the majority aren't going to be sending us people to the left of Klobuchar. The party leadership clearly opposes it so they won't be twisting any arms to get votes for a proper bill (not that Schumer can control his caucus anyway). So whether it's Obamacare Plus, M4Murica, or FUBAR M4A a Sanders administration would sign it into law. They will have other things on their plate (recession. climate crisis, etc.) and several months before the electorate does something really stupid.
Bernie isn’t feigning a maximalist position. He has always negotiated. The argument is where you start that negotiation. Also missing in your analysis is that any politician would have to do this but Warren’s plans are passed off as gospel and how she will do things. That’s not the case. The boldness of the Sanders and Warren campaigns is in where they want to start the debate, not where it will end.
Kamala and Yang will win?Warren would lose to Trump.
Kamala and Yang will win?
Polls don’t matter.