That's very possible.
But these moderates that Biden is going after are going to vote for Republicans down ballot sooner or later to "keep the Democrats/blacks/sjws/progressives in check." If not now, then in 2022. I've been trying to follow the moderates on "both" sides for the past 3 years. And I've been reading primarily conservative media for the past 4 years. I don't even read liberal or progressive stuff anymore. These people are not at all friendly to any meaningful change, even the ones who are supposedly Democrats. Obviously and especially white people.
Maybe I've lived around white people too much - in the south, mid-atlantic, and the north east. I just don't trust people who trust the system...and I guess Biden is too much the system for me. To me, it's better to subvert it if not by the person, then by the message. But if you all really think Biden is going to lead us to a better victory than literally any other strategy in our arsenal for the next, say, 15 years, I'm all ears to the evidence.