This thread is funny.
The problem with the quality of the NBA today as proven with how sophmoric these playoffs have been is the fact that there's not true team cohesion. There's a lack of hunger. Players are more individualists than teammates focusing on their contracts than their game. There's nobody out there pushing them to the extreme to give it their all. Too much talent, but too much of a quitter mentality. Too many assuming their talents will get them by. Today, teams are 3-pointer happy and there's nothing wrong with having that dude or several players who can shoot that tre when needed.... but don't that is all that it takes, nor ASSUME that the 90's players lacked in players that can shoot that tre at any time. You have pure shooters like Reggie Miller, Danny Ainge, Chris Mullin, Dan Marerle.... shyt, Craig Hodges was the greatest 3-point shooter that ever done it! So that's a null void. It's about team chemistry, hunger, discipline, identity and some damn good coaching... these are things that are LACKING in today's NBA.
The problem with the quality of the NBA today as proven with how sophmoric these playoffs have been is the fact that there's not true team cohesion. There's a lack of hunger. Players are more individualists than teammates focusing on their contracts than their game. There's nobody out there pushing them to the extreme to give it their all. Too much talent, but too much of a quitter mentality. Too many assuming their talents will get them by. Today, teams are 3-pointer happy and there's nothing wrong with having that dude or several players who can shoot that tre when needed.... but don't that is all that it takes, nor ASSUME that the 90's players lacked in players that can shoot that tre at any time. You have pure shooters like Reggie Miller, Danny Ainge, Chris Mullin, Dan Marerle.... shyt, Craig Hodges was the greatest 3-point shooter that ever done it! So that's a null void. It's about team chemistry, hunger, discipline, identity and some damn good coaching... these are things that are LACKING in today's NBA.