This is just a dumb discussion. No shyt teams built for a different game than today's wouldn't hang with current squads.
If we playing a game of "ifs" then why not also ask what kinda squad would the Knicks, Sonics, Spurs, etc. built around their HOFs for the game played by this era? That seems like the more fair discussion to me
I was listening to LeBatard talk about how James Jones is basically the same height and weight as Bill Rusell. And how Rusell couldn't really hang in this era....that's so fukking dumb imo. If Rusell played today he'd probably have a completely different style, played in a different position and would adapt his skills to whatever could work for him in today's game. Would he be as dominant as he was? Most likely not, but we honestly have no fukking clue what kind of player he would be.
Lebatard's argument is not a good one, he always goes to the fact that the 100 yard dash record now trumps the one set back in the 90s as if thats the determining factor. while also completely ignoring that the long jump record was set back in like 1991, and the Olympic record was set in like the 60s. me and him had a back n forth on twitter a couple years ago about this.