being put down like dogs but we want to march and cry about black lives matter like that means anything or accomplishes anything . that's why its so important to get more power in this country , so we enforce real consequences . he was shot because the cop has no fear of repercussions .
starting our own Television Broadcasting company is key could do of one right now because he going to be labelled a thug by white media
Seriously, asking for rights never works. Violence and education does. Need to get more in positions of influence for local/city, state, and federal govt. Also, invest in businesses that offer services besides salons/natural haircare products, barbershops, night clubs. Need more contractors to build and win the city money and grants. Meaning more architects. More city planners. Get those engineering degrees. One or two tokens cannot fight this battle alone. Wont happen overnight but in a generation we can change the current dynamic. Jews, Irish, Italians and now Latinos are doing it. Everyone practices self preservation and looks out for their family and economics but Negros.
Also, drop the baggage including friends
those in your family. Like Sodom, if you look back expect to turn into salt and loose sight of your purpose dealing with nonsense. Pulling a boulder uphill is an easier task when people are pushing behind you. Family is not necessarily blood but people who have the same ideologies and your best interests at heart. Anyone else is a distraction of time, money, and energy and when odds are already stacked higher you dont need added baggage. In the end the youth suffers because the people before them lacked knowledge, plan, or took no action and set them up for destruction. When the youth dies so does the future.