You live with your parents, have a roomate, or split shyt cost with your girl. No way anyone living on they own with that salary.
It’s possible. I started at my job making $16.8x. Initially I had roommates, but I found a place that was just $100 more to live alone. It wasn’t in the best area and not the nicest place, but it was just fine. Now, I moved to a nicer place (still questionable area lol) that’s more money and I was still able to survive, save, and had a little spending cash to do some things I wanted. I’m also in the guard, so I get like $200 extra a month from that.
Rent- $850
Utilities- $20-$30
Internet- $50
Car insurance- $150 (2 cars both paid off. One I bought off of Craigslist to do uber. That didn’t last long lol. But I was able to save up enough money with that job to buy it)
Health/Dental insurance- $65
Misc. expenses- $100-$200 (gas, toiletries, etc.)
Still put money in my 401k, savings and Roth. I ended up getting a few raises so I was closer to $20 but I started working part time to finish school so I made less. It was definitely harder but I stopped going out to eat as much, packed lunch, had to stop saving as much, shopped at the thrift store (I still look fly), used public transportation more often, but my bills were always paid. I have actually quit that job altogether now so I can finish these last few classes and had enough money saved up to survive me until I start this other program. I had 4-5 months of savings to live off of, just enough time for me to finish and find another job if I didn’t get into my program (I did

). I have had to use CC for some school expenses, but those will be paid off once I start using my GI bill and file my taxes. My credit is excellent so I was able to finance some things that way.
I live in Chicago, so it’s not somewhere with a really low cost of living. The taxes are super high, so I was taking home less than someone living somewhere else making less in some cases.
It can be done. You just need to budget. I’m cool with eating rice and beans, and all that other stuff upthread. You start to realize all the frivolous stuff you actually spend money on when you have to focus on your spending. $3 here, $6 there starts to add up more quickly than most of us realize. And there’s some idiot here that always espouses that credit isn’t important. Credit allowed me to invest in myself, I had to put my tuition on the cards. But I’ll get most back through taxes. When I’m done I’ll be making more money.
I will say, there were women at my job who were single mothers with not much help. I don’t know how they were making it. Daycare alone is highway robbery, and half of them would spend their lunch break shopping and buying their kids electronics, Jordan’s, and ugg boots

. So yes, if you have a family it probably won’t work as well, but that should be planned accordingly.
Didn’t mean for this post to be so long...
ETA: $15 minimum wage to work at non skilled jobs is ridiculous. None of us making around that are going to get a wage increase, so that just moves us closer to the poverty line. People do programs and invest money to do the job I had and some start making less than $15. It’s okay for me to have no skills and make as much as someone who has attained one?! Nah son.