14 Carribbean nations sue Britian, Holland and France for slavery reparations


May 15, 2014
As a descendant of Surinamese slaves and a culture that still draws heavy from the hardships my elders went through I would like to at least have the knowledge that adressing this atrocity will be about more than just money.No amount of cash will wash away what they took from us.Religion,culture,history are not things that you can put a price on.Money will just add to the already fukked up relationship we have with each other.How is the money going to be divided? are Jamaicans entitled to more money than Haitians? If your family is not african in origin but has been in the country as contract workers(Chinese,Indonesian,Indian) and have seen conditions not far removed from slavery,do they get a piece?
Point I am making is that money is the easy way out imo.France still gets ridicolous amounts of money from former colonies,so does the UK and Spain.We still pay those countries for the privilege of having been slaves.Those amounts run into the billions,looking at how long slavery was abolished i don't know if there are enough comma's to write it out.Those 'debts" should be wiped off the boards for all countries still having to pay these murdering pirates/rapists/culture thiefs/creed consumed,morallybankrupt examples of humanity...excuse my french...We will never fully recover from the atlantic slave trade because what was lost can not be returned to us but we can have the opportunity to have an opportunity at least.


May 29, 2014
As a descendant of Surinamese slaves and a culture that still draws heavy from the hardships my elders went through I would like to at least have the knowledge that adressing this atrocity will be about more than just money.No amount of cash will wash away what they took from us.Religion,culture,history are not things that you can put a price on.Money will just add to the already fukked up relationship we have with each other.How is the money going to be divided? are Jamaicans entitled to more money than Haitians? If your family is not african in origin but has been in the country as contract workers(Chinese,Indonesian,Indian) and have seen conditions not far removed from slavery,do they get a piece?
Point I am making is that money is the easy way out imo.France still gets ridicolous amounts of money from former colonies,so does the UK and Spain.We still pay those countries for the privilege of having been slaves.Those amounts run into the billions,looking at how long slavery was abolished i don't know if there are enough comma's to write it out.Those 'debts" should be wiped off the boards for all countries still having to pay these murdering pirates/rapists/culture thiefs/creed consumed,morallybankrupt examples of humanity...excuse my french...We will never fully recover from the atlantic slave trade because what was lost can not be returned to us but we can have the opportunity to have an opportunity at least.
Thank you. These guys don't use logic...

Supreme HD

Dec 7, 2014
I agree but it should be given to schools, small businesses and communities and not to individuals


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
It's not going to happen. And black leaders are have a history of incompetency when it comes to do right by their population. Not to mention when the money will be paid what else will blacks complain about?

if euros give money it will never be enough...Second it will be a poisoned gift.

Whether black leaders are "incompetent" is subjective and even if they variously are competent or incompetent, or more and less competent, that has no bearing on whether cacs should pay damages. Similarly whether a person should receive damages for an injury has no bearing on what a judge perceives they'll spend it on. Alternatively, it does not matter what else blacks "will complain about". If they choose to complain about something else, and euros should pay again, has no bearing on whether euros should pay for slavery. The only person whom worries about whether cacs pay is you and them. Lastly, the assertion that reparation is a "poisoned gift" is purely your own. There's nothing poisonous except reparations except what c00ns and cacs attribute to it.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
As a descendant of Surinamese slaves and a culture that still draws heavy from the hardships my elders went through I would like to at least have the knowledge that adressing this atrocity will be about more than just money.No amount of cash will wash away what they took from us.Religion,culture,history are not things that you can put a price on.Money will just add to the already fukked up relationship we have with each other.How is the money going to be divided? are Jamaicans entitled to more money than Haitians? If your family is not african in origin but has been in the country as contract workers(Chinese,Indonesian,Indian) and have seen conditions not far removed from slavery,do they get a piece?

OK, you are demand whatever else you want if that's your wish. If you think nothing can help reconcile your loss of culture, religion, etc, then so be it. But why should your opinion have any bearing on others' and their bids to receive compensation? Take nothing if that's what you want.

Moving on, richer black people are better than poorer. If Jamaica gets richer, or Haiti gets richer, or both get rich but Haiti is still poorer than Jamaica, blacks will be better of.

As respects your question as applies to Indians (there are almost no Chinese or Indonesians in the Carribeans), the answer is no, they aren't eligible to receive any reparations. Their ancestors chose to migrate to the Carribean for work and they served as indentured servants and voluntary quartermasters for the cacs. I won't advocate they receive anything like I won't advocate the Irish serve anything for doing the same work in the USA.

Point I am making is that money is the easy way out imo.France still gets ridicolous amounts of money from former colonies,so does the UK and Spain.We still pay those countries for the privilege of having been slaves.Those amounts run into the billions,looking at how long slavery was abolished i don't know if there are enough comma's to write it out.Those 'debts" should be wiped off the boards for all countries still having to pay these murdering pirates/rapists/culture thiefs/creed consumed,morallybankrupt examples of humanity...excuse my french...We will never fully recover from the atlantic slave trade because what was lost can not be returned to us but we can have the opportunity to have an opportunity at least.

Contrary to what you think, money is only a piece of the puzzle. This isn't a "money" and "complete forgiveness" thing. It's a "money" and "it is what it is" thing.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Haitia, Dominican Republic and Cuba should also sue the U.S.A. for unlawful invasion/occupation:birdman:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Part of leadership is making decisions that would have possitive long term effects and possibly change the course of history.

I don't see that being the case with Mugabe. He is blocking whites to have a stake in corp/companies byt what alternatives is he providing the population. Black zims don't have the means to run singlehandedly a whole economy. He was Giving farmland to blacks who don't know how to farm...like really just horribly strategy.

I am all for kicking whites off black countries but not thi way

Good governance and leadership is about making the right ones in the long term. As respects Mugabe, you are simply wrong. The Zimbabwean people now own a stake in all their industries, chiefly agriculture, whereas before they were a colonial nation run and owned by cacs, the same sort of colonial arrangement which previously led to the genocide and destruction of the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. Mugabe's revolution was indeed a positive development, if not a revolutionary one, and the cacs thought so too until Mugabe told them to leave and hand back their land to the Zimbabwean people. Just because cacs choose to punish Zimbabwe in spite does not mean Mugabe made the wrong choice. Similarly, just because cacs choose to punish slave revolts doesn't mean we should all resolve to be slaves to them. Contrarily we should revolt all the more so and gain our freedom together and forever, as Mugabe has chosen to do.

Mugabe has opened Zimbabwe to black Africa and Nigeria, China among other countries have growing interests in Zimbabwe. The status quo right now is a growing agricultural sector and hopefully more in the future. All development happens gradually and this slow march to economic stability is better in the short and long run than the colonial apartheid scraps blacks received in Rhodesia as Ian Smith reaped natural resources and beat blacks into submission, preparing them for the cruel end of the Americas.

If Zimbabwe cannot run its own economy, then Nigeria either, or Malta, or the legions of countries with the same population. Your assertion is hence nonsense. All of Africa approves of what Mugabe does and in recognizance he has been named to another leadership role: the African Union commissioner. Even the black female African representatives clapped at his inauguration.
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
The richest people in Zimbabwe are mostly White and due to Mugabe's idiocy, the average (Black) Zimbabwean is poorer than say the 80s

Not know that Mugabe hosted a CIA torture site and begs the IMF for $$$ but talk about white media

Can you even name a Zimbabwean tribe? Have you even met a Zimbabwean?

There are very few whites in Zimbabwe today. The average black Zimbabwe is poorer today than the 80s only because of white sanctions. The same black Zimbabwean also now has a stake in the growing agricultural sector, which in some sectors has already surpassed the whites' previous production. Sovereigncy and development happens in stages and Mugabe made the right decision. When Zimbabwe rises, it will rise indepedent of the cacs.

I don't see what relevancy CIA black sites has to say about anything. There are plenty of Zimbabweans that support Mugabe and plenty of Africans too. You need only look at the fact Mugabe was voted AU comissioner to see how deep and widespread his support across the continent is.