Eggfukkingzactly.Meh. Personally I dont believe this will ever happen even if some courts were to rule in our favor. There is an old saying in Haiti that says "konstitisyon se papyé. Bayonèt se fè." Translates to "Constitutions are just paper. Bayonets are steel" alluding to the fact that military strength always prevails. I personally believe that until black nations better arm themselves enough to strike enough fear in the hearts of these bigger nations we'll remain at the bottom.
But there's alway hope.
I'm just skeptical because as i always tell you all "i dont believe in revolution without violence".
I truly, honestly believe that the SAME people who've invaded, killed, raped, enslaved and exploited post chattel slavery, indigenous and African people would then turn around and just relinquish power out of a change of heart. It's always a fukking game.
I don't believe it at all.