I read this book in 2012, I liked it a lot, but it is essentially young adult fiction, though it reads like a more polished work, then say a Nany Drew novel. The NY Times review was pretty harsh, with some valid complaints, I may have to at least check out the pilot. One of the main issues they took was that it was much easier to suspend disbelief while reading, then watching, and the aspect to have him listen to one tape at a time.
"Instead he listens to the recordings one at a time, and keeps confronting the other characters — quizzing them, arguing with them, fighting with them — without knowing the whole story, or his own role in it, even though he could find out with just a few hours of binge listening. It makes no sense as anything but a plot device, and you’ll find yourself, like Clay’s antagonists, yelling at him to listen to the rest of tapes already"