Am I the only one who thought the blonde dude with the nose ring was gay but he got the baddest chick 

Antwone Fisher really was the WOAT counselor.
P: "did he force himself on you?"
H: "yea kinda"
P: did you say no?"
H: "no"
P: "maybe you consented, you know and changed your mind?"
H: "NO"
P: "I'll tell you what, you said he's a senior so that means he's only gonna be here a few more months. sometimes you just gotta get over it"
why that latino dude 36 and still in highschool?
Sherri bae but Hannah looked good too nikkafukk no
She not even top 5
Sheri the baddest girl in that school
Got through this entire thing. That suicide episode was a struggle.
I don't get why Hannah kept seeking comfort from males that are part of the same group. I also don't understand how anyone could take the stance that Clay should have stayed when Hannah asked him to leave. I was watching this with my girl and when that happened my exact words were"he's a lil nikka so he doesn't see that she doesn't really want him to leave and he should wait it out".
Him having that intuition at that age would be great, but you cant honestly expect him to have it, and then place blame on him when he doesn't. Especially after being friend-zoned by her while she had her heart torn by more than half of the varsity starting squad.
The counselor should probably have his job yanked though if i'm being honest.out of everyone he's an adult and its his actual JOB to see these things and deal with them. Pretty much every adult was asleep at the wheel throughout this entire thing.
No but like I said she didn't go there seeking help she went there to finish off her tape.You're right. He should have just kicked her out of his office.
Can we agree to disagree that there's probably a reason you aren't a school counselor?
No but like I said she didn't go there seeking help she went there to finish off her tape.
No Im not a damn counselour but I'm a suicidal survivor who went through worst shyt than her. But I would put some of the people through that especially a rape victim.
This whole notion that everybody needs to perfect in this show is what's wrong with the world. No he wasn't a perfect counselor. None are. He can't read her mind. You can't save those that don't want to be saved point blank.
His job is a Guidance Counselor who supposed to guide kids to the right direction and the help they need not compel them. At least that's why I got from them. He had 50/50 chance of saving here to meNo one said they have to be perfect. All I asked is that he did his job, we seem to disagree on what his job actually is. Anyhow if the bolded is true you know more about this than I do, and truth be told there isn't one likable character in the entire group. Maybe she did have her mind made up. She says different, but she could be lying so we'll never really know.
The reason I singled him out:
He's an adult. Kids rarely lay out their issue all cut and dry. Usually you have to dig. Its how kids are. Wouldn't it be his job to know that ? he's not the reason she's dead, but I don't think he did his due diligence and it probably had to do with her reputation. When its his job to at least have a general awareness on these things I would think he should be held to a higher standard than someone like Tony who opted out because he didn't want to hear her shyt that day.