I've seen a lot of people say they prefer Batman Begins to the Dark Knight. I'll give BB this, it had a tighter story than the Dark Knight. Batman Begins probably had the least amount of plotholes in a super hero flick I've ever seen. Just a very well thought out plot where everything is explained (arguably to a fault) and everything makes sense. Having said all that, some of the dialogue in BB is terrible, I put that mostly on Goyer who is typically great with story but horrible with dialogue. The Dark Knight's dialogue is vastly superior mainly because Goyer only handled the story for that one while the Nolans did the script. Aside from all that, the Dark Knight just looks better, much better cinematography and feel. And while the fight scenes in both are trash, the action scenes in the Dark Knight are way better. Just compare the rooftop chase in BB to the SWAT team and tanker truck chase in the Dark Knight. You could tell Nolan had become much more comfortable directing action scenes at that point.
Batman Begins had an excellent first half but then becomes a bit average the second half. The Dark Knight just keeps getting better and better as the film goes on and the tension rises.
Then there's the obvious. Ledger just elevated the Dark Knight so much that I could never put BB over it.
For me it's, Batman Begins: 8/10, The Dark Knight: 9.5/10, The Dark Knight Rises: 6.5/10