The important thing you mentioned is 'fiscal harmonization'. Having a case like Portugal, or worse Greece in a hypothetical African economical cooperation bloc would have a deleterious effect in the region. Imagine a Congo having a political/economic crisis and half of the country swarms into neighbouring countries in the region.
Almost all of the countries in Africa would need to be middle-income economies with several election cycles that go smoothly for it to even be feasible.
The Gambia political crisis was handled easily.
Furthermore, there are millions of people who actually choose the rural life with minimal or no technology(as it means less stress for them) and Africa has a market that is not on paper. The don't borrow money or overspend. If you have your own farm to sustain yourself you don't have to much, and you can make money off extra. Sometimes western lenses can blind people. It doesn't alway have to follow western economic protocol that's on paper.
Even if you look at Europe it's not that much different its the fact that countries mismanage and borrow. You dont' have to be so called western middle class, just don't borrow.
In parts of Italy and Spain you have whole towns that use ONE phone and the elecrtricity goes out at night. They're not middle income and chose to live there although there are those that leave and go to Australia or Canada, or UK(not part of EU now).