10 dead & 3 wounded in MASS SHOOTING in Buffalo, NY /racist targeted Blacks/* DOJ seeks the Death penalty


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
he tried to juelz in the manifesto too

he goes "you'd ask why I dont kill hispanics since they are taking over on a bigger scale than anyone else.... I just picked black since it was closer and convenient" then he goes on to hate on black people for pages

surprised his family hasnt moved yet

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Black folks gotta start retaliating that's the only way things change...:birdman: these muthafukkas bring interviewed talking about forgiveness fukk that!!! It's time for an eye for an eye :ufdup:
I feel where you're coming from. It also really doesn't sit right with me how a video depicting the brutal murder of a black grandmother is presently being viewed by millions of people as if its some scene from Call of Duty.

I am really fukked up about this shyt personally. And I suspect a lot of us are despite the media quickly moving on from the incident as if it never happened. And make no mistake if this was terrorist attack done by a Muslim extremist against white people we'd never hear the end of it. This country sickens me and I am growing more embittered by the day.

Black Samurai

Kill or Be Killed
Dec 20, 2012
Black folks gotta start retaliating that's the only way things change...:birdman: these muthafukkas bring interviewed talking about forgiveness fukk that!!! It's time for an eye for an eye :ufdup:

I don't know where they find these black people at that are always talking about forgiveness. ive never met any black person who has any interest in forgiving people who hurt them for no reason.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I feel where you're coming from. It also really doesn't sit right with me how a video depicting the brutal murder of a black grandmother is presently being viewed by millions of people as if its some scene from Call of Duty.

I am really fukked up about this shyt personally. And I suspect a lot of us are despite the media quickly moving on from the incident as if it never happened. And make no mistake if this was terrorist attack done by a Muslim extremist against white people we'd never hear the end of it. This country sickens me and I am growing more embittered by the day.

If it makes you feel better, I think the previous "Replacement Theory" shooting in El Paso where 46 Latinos got got disappeared from the news cycle even quicker. And most people don't even know the Taiwanese church shooting last week even happened. This country is practicing equal-opportunity neglect right now.

There are a lot of people on this planet who literally do not care about the loss of human life unless it conforms to their pre-existing political agendas.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
I don't know where they find these black people at that are always talking about forgiveness. ive never met any black person who has any interest in forgiving people who hurt them for no reason.

I dont get it either...:what: they be just finding the most docile church folks for the camera out there....

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
The Tops in Buffalo's East Side was a lifeline. Residents wonder if it should reopen

The Tops in Buffalo's East Side was a lifeline. Residents wonder if it should reopen​

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May 21, 202211:35 AM ET

Flowers are left at a makeshift memorial outside of the Tops market on May 15 in Buffalo, N.Y.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
Ask just about anyone over the age of 30 in Buffalo's East Side neighborhood and they'll know the day the Tops grocery store on Jefferson Avenue opened.
It was July 2003.
"I remember it was a big deal," Tommy McClam said. He said he was young when it opened. McClam is now the senior director of boys and men of color initiative within the Say Yes to Education organization.
For a long time it served as far more than just a grocery store.
"It was the village watering hole," McClam said. "It was more than just a Tops grocery store. It was a lot bigger than that for that community."
The Buffalo shooting shuttered Tops and left a food desert. Locals are stepping in


The Buffalo shooting shuttered Tops and left a food desert. Locals are stepping in

That sense of community was shattered last weekend when a gunman killed 10 members of this neighborhood. The store has been shut ever since, and the company said it may be some time before it reopens.
Tops Supermarket said in a statement Wednesday that they "are committed to opening up this community store as soon as we possibly can."
But the company said it's unable to commit to a specific timeline for reopening due to the ongoing police investigation, not knowing the condition of the store, and wanting to give staff and the community time.

That's a tough pill to swallow for many people who relied on that store. Residents fought for nearly a decade to get a full service grocery store opened on the East Side — an area that is otherwise a food desert.

People gathered outside of Tops market embrace on Sunday.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
A Tops press release from when the store opened said then that the 29,000 square foot store was the "first full-scale supermarket to serve the Jefferson Avenue community in several decades."
According to that press release, this store was the first such grocery store since an A&P market occupied the same corner during the 1960s.
"To the people who live near the Tops supermarket that opened last week on Jefferson Avenue, the rainbows of fresh produce and aisles stocked with rows of cans, boxes and bags are a testament that there's hope for a better future in their community," reads a story from The Buffalo News a few days after the store opened.
It took a lot to get that Tops built, pastor Tim Newkirk told NPR. He is a local historian of sorts, as well as a pastor for GYC Ministries. He says he was part of an effort to get the market built.
The Buffalo community honors victims of the Tops shooting and calls for big change


The Buffalo community honors victims of the Tops shooting and calls for big change

"We had rallied together, signed petitions, got the community leaders and spiritual leaders involved" in order to press the city officials and Tops to open a market on Jefferson, he said.
"It was a strong, but well worth the fight," he said.
An archived article from the Orleans Times Herald said the project took two years to complete and was delayed because regulatory approvals took so long.
When construction began, Newkirk said the people building the store were workers of the neighborhood.
"To have our people working on that very site, it gave a wholesomeness to our community, it gave a sense of value, a sense of worth, because we were the ones to put the bricks down, the mortar down," he said.
The attack on the elders of the neighborhood and their store has fractured that feeling, Newkirk said.
"It knocked down the morale and the wholesomeness of a vibrant, thriving African American community."
Less than a week after the attack, neighbors are unsure what they make of the idea of reopening. For many, it's just too soon to consider.
Others want the store to reopen to prevent the return of a food desert. They also believe reopening will be fighting back against the gunman who sought to hurt them.

Pictures of the 10 people killed in last Saturday's shooting at Tops market are set up before the start of a vigil on Tuesday. If Tops does reopen, one idea is to make a piece of the store a memorial to the victims.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
Larry Stitts, owner of Golden Cup Coffee, proclaimed during a vigil this week that the Tops will reopen.
"We're not gonna let Jefferson die. We're gonna build it up. We're not gonna let that Tops close. We're gonna open them doors!" he shouted to applause from the crowd in attendance.
Others are not so sure they will ever go back inside the store.
"That's sacred ground. A lot of people lost their lives there for no reason at all," said Michael King, a member of the Buffalo Peacemakers. "So I think they should just get rid of that and just build a new supermarket."
In a meeting with some of the kids he works with, McClam heard some share an idea to make one piece of the store a memorial to the victims.
They are considering proposing a mural for one wall with plaques made out to each of the victims. On top of that, the kids talked about creating a scholarship in the names of each of the victims.
"Then at that point, Tops doesn't become a place of sadness, a place of mourning, but a place of life," he said.


Black Buffalo community is tired of hearing promises when the killings don't stop

Franchelle Parker, the executive director of Open Buffalo, said this may be an opportunity for improvements to be made to the store. Her office for Open Buffalo is just down the road from Tops. She and others would often run in to grab last minute items for events.
Parker, and others that spoke to NPR, said though the grocery store was important, it often didn't have the best quality produce and regularly ran out of items.
Parker said she's heard a lot of gripes from people who think the store definitely needs more options if it does reopen.
At this early stage, with the shock and raw emotions from the immense loss of Saturday's attack still so fresh, she isn't sure if she will go back to the store if it were to reopen.
"I don't know how I feel going back into this location," she said. "So we need something, but I don't know if this current structure is it."


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
Black folks gotta start retaliating that's the only way things change...:birdman: these muthafukkas bring interviewed talking about forgiveness fukk that!!! It's time for an eye for an eye :ufdup:

Nah, fukk forgiveness. That shyt only works if your opponent has a conscious. And as Stokley Carmichael said, America doesn’t have one.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
I'm not gonna have this debate. There are twice as much anti-Jew shyt in his manifesto as anything else. Literally, 28 pages of it. He literally believes black people are pawns of the Jews. Those are his beliefs and a pretty core tenet of "great replacement" white nationalist shyt. If you want to play oppression olympics about this go ahead. I'm only interested in the facts, and was pointing out there is more than enough evidence within the manifesto to prove this was a hate crime based on the motive (his writings) and the action - executing black people, apologizing to a white man he shot, and engraving ****** on his gun. The fact that Tucker is running disinfo on this is absurd and another reason he's gotta get the fukk outta here. He's on airwaves parroting this nonsense on a near daily basis.

A lot of people are trying to hide or ignore this, not just Tucker. You've got people talking about guns and mental health instead of talking about white ideology that is being embraced by mainstream republicans and spreading via the internet without any counter. The feds monitor or shut down jihab forums all the time. Where is the same energy here.

This is an Anti-Black Hate Crime.....he killed Black people only, he did not kill any Jews. Okay yeah he wrote about Jews, but he did not kill any Jews, he only killed Black people and had Anti-Black words on his Gun while he killed Black people, and there are many Anti-Semitism/Jews laws in place and are currently in being put place to protect Jews and there are none for Black people and Black people are always getting killed by White Supremacist:



Jun 3, 2012
I live in Buffalo. This past week was crazy with all the trolls. We must begin the a long term strategy. My company been helping with groceries for the Jefferson area. The fact we still have food deserts and lack of resources in black areas is a major problem. It is so many things we need to work, it is impossible to pinpoint one solution.


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
all these black politicians not one has got the nuts to start a black hate bill...

quik to tell a nikka to vote but one do shyt for us... both sides

They give us Black "Mayors" Black "Police Chiefs" Black "Sheriffs" Black "Governors" and none of these cake ass nikkahs doing shyt