Ive noticed Ppl buy a gun and they somehow get to thinking they John Wick or some shyt. "Oh if that was me I woulda done this that and the third", no you wouldnt. For most people Owning a gun is pretty much just peace of mind and a way to feel tough. Its incredibly rare that youll be in a position to randomly thwart a robbery or stop a public mass shooting Just because youve purchased a gun. If a psycho killer has the drop on you then that's that. Youre not going to see it coming and thats the sad truth... Which is why Literally ANY properly functioning sovereignty would have said fukk this and scrapped guns, or atleast made them very very difficult to acquire. its the obvious solution.
Its one thing to keep a pistol at the crib especially if you live in the middle of nowhere miles and miles away from any police station.
Its one thing if youre in a potentially dangerous line of work and you need protection from potential attacks
Other than that, everyone walking around in public with a gun like some cowboy in 2022 is the most pointless, retarded thing imaginable and only causes more problems. proper Regulations is the only thing that will make this shyt happen less.
All of this is 100% true but they don't want to hear it.
A trained, experienced cop on the scene had his gun out firing at the gunman, on target, and still got clapped. Didn't even slow him down.
But they think that with zero experience and having never once been in a shootout before, they're gonna pull their .38 and take out a guy who is unloading with an AK-47 and wearing body armor. Even though he started firing before they even remembered which pocket their gun was in.
There's a reason why less than 1 in 100 mass shootings are stopped by armed bystanders, even though we live in the most gun-happy nation on Earth.
i dont know why people think everybody having a gun the answer. I think all the places with low gun death and violence have bans on guns. Everybody being strapped means shootouts and regular people train to shoot at targets, they dont train to be shot at. A bunch of innocent people getting shot in the crossfire is where we are going.
Because they don't rely on facts for their argument, they rely on TV gunfights and political propaganda.
Countries with gun control have lower gun deaths on average.
States with gun control have lower gun deaths on average.
Cities in states with gun control have lower gun deaths on average than cities in states without gun control.
Households with guns in them are more likely to suffer a homicide or suicide death than households without guns.
Mugging victims who are armed are more likely to get shot than unarmed mugging victims.
ALL of that is well-proven in study after study. NRA has to pay a couple absolute clown researchers to have any pro-gun evidence at all, otherwise the evidence is dominant on the other side. I don't know why they wish so bad to ignore reality.