In an effort to help the XTRABYTES community stay up to date with our patent process, we have decided to share our current progress with you all!
For those of you who feel we are not moving fast enough, we are happy to inform you that quality and protection are the top priorities, not speed. XTRABYTES is a long term project and we always have and always will ensure that we do what is best for the long term vision we have.
During the last several days, I have met our patent lawyers on 2 separate occasions. The first meeting was January 17th and was intended to evaluate the law firm, which also offered them the opportunity to evaluate us. The second meeting was on the 23rd, when the initial tech discussions took place and the retainer was paid.
The law firm (which we will not disclose) conducted initial research on the XTRABYTES project after our first meeting and during the second meeting revealed they are very happy to work with us on this patenting process.
We did not get into full disclosure during the second meeting but upon providing basic details, the law firm was extremely impressed and excited to be working with us. Future meetings will include both Borzalom and CCRevolution and will include finalizing all the information the law firm needs in order to complete the patenting process, which will lead us to the highly discussed "patent pending" status.
Please do not assume times and dates, nor is it practical to try to dictate how long this should be taking us. We always work within our available time frames and this also includes availability of the lawyers we are working with.
Thank you all for your dedication and please continue to help the new community members gain a full understanding of the great things we are doing here at XTRABYTES Ltd.