“The internet is speculation guys. It’s a bubble. Don’t invest in that stupid techy stuff. Pick real companies like Ford or GM”
Let's review.
"The Internet" is a thing you can build with. In fact, without email it would have been nearly impossible to do most of the jobs I've held. Right now I have no phone on my desk at work. The entire phone system is Web based.
So "the Internet" is not a bunch of fluff.
But. For some reason Facebook is worth a bunch of doe. If someone bought it right now perhaps they could cash out before Facebook becomes Myspace, right? Or MAYBE the cash that Zuck got for the IPO has yet to be recouped. If that shyt Myspaces out next year there MIGHT be some investors holding the - empty - bag still.
Meanwhile Apple is making physical objects. And is the biggest company in the world. And if Facebook becomes Myspace Apple can still deliver the next social media giant just the same way as it delivers you the current crop. So they are semi fad proof.
Like there weren't shytLOADS of companies that came and went and shytLOADS of people who lost their asses speculating on "the internet" in the early days.
Some stuff was *actually* worth what it was said to be worth. Some stuff was worth way more that anyone realized. And some stuff was worthless.
Bitcoin is the definition of something of questionable value cause it is based on absolutely nothing but imagination. So as long as we play cops and robbers your fingers are a gun. Once we stop pretending and move onto playing football, your finger gun vanishes along with our game. Bitcoin will work until it doesn't. The price of it can't increase forever. So where's the peak?
Have fun out there. Make sure your pull out game is strong.