also lol at how the thread died down what happened to all the experts shilling coins left right and center
They got scared during the bad days and bailed on us.
Everyone thats still in prolly just hodling and not paying attention to whats going on with the market. Only ones I recall consistently shilling stuff on here that was not the usual projects were
@ReasonableMatic and
@NotaPAWG and he was on vacation recently and drops in here and there. She, not so much, but figure the market kind of dead for the small cap coins so she prolly not as active recently. And then the BTC maxis who make an appearance here and there but unless their coin is going on a run, they don't try and convince anyone to buy or stay poor. They recruit when the going gets smooth, not when the going gets rough, cuz they don't want to scare anyone off during a dip. Still plenty of ways to make money and add to current positions while things are steady. People just waiting things out until the market gets back higher. According to tradingview, the market cap is at 1.4 trillion. It dipped to a low of 1.129T on June 22nd and trying to climb back up. My ichimoku cloud and moving average indicators look alright and seems to me that a reversal could be imminent, hopefully by Labor Day. Just gotta be patient during the summer. Here's something interesting tho. We first crossed that 1.129T mark on January 10th, and the 1.4T mark we're at now on February 8th. Yes, thats February 8th 2021. So 5 months haven't passed since we were first at the mark we are at now. Lets see if it reaches 1.5 trillion by end of the month but we still in better shape than a year ago when it was around 265 billion worth. Everything gonna be ok. Lets finish the month strong and build up some more momentum in August. Holidays coming up soon and we all wanna gift ourselves Lambos so just hodl and we'll get there.